Monday, October 1, 2012

Prologue (part 1)

Since I don't got much to do, I might as well post this. This is the first part of the Prologue of Paper Mario Darkness in Time. Enjoy:
Prologue: The Strange Visitor (part 1)

It was a bright and sunny day in the Mushroom Kingdom. The sky was pure blue, the plants were lively, the birds were chirping peacefully, and the people were enjoying the peaceful day. At the home of the Mario Bros., two people was quietly enjoying this day. One of them have brown hair, a red shirt, blue overalls, a black mustache, white gloves, brown shoes, and a red hat with a red “M” in the middle surrounded by white. This person is named Mario, and he is the protector of the Mushroom Kingdom. The other person also has brown hair and black mustache and also wore brown shoes, white gloves, and blue overalls, but he also wore a green shirt and a similar, green hat with the “L” on it. This person is Mario’s brother, Luigi.

Soon, a familiar “Mail Call” echoed through the room. That voiced was Parakarry, a mailman who’s in charge of delivering mail. Luigi got up to fetch the mail, but manage to catch up to Parakarry before he could leave. Parakarry is a Paratroopa that wore a brown sky hat, brown shoes, a cyan shell, and a mail bag. Parakarry also assisted Mario in one of his previous adventures.

Parakarry: “Hello there, Luigi. How are you doing?”

Luigi:  “I’m doing alright. So, what kind of mail do we got?”

Parakarry: “Let’s see here,”

He started looking through his mail bag for the mail. After a while, he got out some letters.

Parakarry: “Here are some bills, an Italian subscription, and a letter from Princess Peach,”

Luigi: “Oh-no…”

Parakarry:  “Are you ok?”

Luigi: “Let me just say, any letters from Princess Peach only results in trouble for us. Remember the letter to the party and the fact that the entire castle was uprooted soon after? That even happened twice!”

Parakarry: “Those were all coincidental incidents, Luigi. Those incidents could have happened without those letters being delivered.”

Luigi: “Fine… So, what’s the letter about?”

Parakarry: “You’re going to have to read it yourself; I still need to deliver more mail. See you, Luigi. Say hi to Mario for me.”

Parakarry gave Luigi the mail and flew off. Luigi took the mail and headed back inside the house. Mario was in the front room, wondering what kind of mail they got.

Luigi: “We got a couple of bills, an Italian subscription, and a letter from Princess Peach.”

Mario talked to Luigi about what happens every time they receive a letter from Princess Peach.

Luigi: “I know, Mario. I’ve even told Parakarry about it, but he told me they were all just coincidental. Oh, and he said hi to you.”

Mario sighed.

Luigi: “Well, let’s see what it says.”

Luigi read the letter so that Mario could hear it.

Dear Mario and Luigi,
I’m hosting a party at the Mushroom Castle. I would be grateful if you could attend the party. This party is to celebrate the everlasting peace the entire world have thanks to you two.

Luigi: “Sounds like a party. What do you think, Mario? Should we attend?”

Mario took a while to think, but nodded, saying that he’ll go to the party.

Luigi: “Alright, Mario, if you say so.”

The two brothers proceed to their rooms to pack up some stuff. Luigi packed up a Mushroom, while Mario packed up his own Mushroom, along with a Honey Syrup. They both also packed 100 coins, just in case. After packing, the two brothers headed out of the house and toward a green pipe. This pipe, called a Warp Pipe, transport anyone entering it to Toad Town, a town of Toads near Mushroom Castle. Mario entered the pipe, with Luigi following behind, and emerged in the middle of the popular town full of many people from around the world, from Dry Dry Outpost to Rogueport, from Bean Bean Kingdom to even the Majestic Empire. The people are here to celebrate the peace that has been preserve throughout the world.

Mario and Luigi proceed through the crowds as they head toward the Mushroom Castle, a huge castle that sits at the middle of the Mushroom Kingdom. Many guests to the party have already arrived there. Upon entering the castle, the two brothers find a truly remarkable sight; the entire front hall filled with guests from around the world. This was surely the biggest party they have ever had.

Luigi: “WOW! Talk about huge! This is definitely a party to remember!”

Mario couldn’t agree more. The brothers were glad that they came here, even if something bad is going to happen. The brothers talked to many of the guests here; some of them were new faces, others were familiar faces. They talked for probably an hour until a familiar voice called out to them.

???: “Hello there, Master Mario and Master Luigi.”

It was Toadsworth, the steward to Princess Peach. He is an elderly Toad with a light purple vest and a purple sleeveless jacket on top, white pants, brown shoes, and a white mustache. Mario and Luigi greeted the elderly Toad.

Luigi: “Hello there, Toadsworth.”

Toadsworth: “Glad to see you two here at the party. Are you enjoying it?”

Mario nodded, saying that he is enjoying it.

Toadsworth: “Glad to hear that. I’m guessing you want to see the princess?”

Luigi: “Yes, please.”

Toadsworth: “Right then, tally-oh!”

Toadsworth walked off, with Mario and Luigi following behind. They followed Toadsworth to another main hall. There were even more guests here than the last hall. At the top of the steps was Princess Peach, the ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom. Princess Peach was a human (just like Mario and Luigi) with long, yellow-blonde hair, a floor length pink dress with a sapphire brooch in the middle, a set of blue earrings, and a golden crown on her head. Toadsworth, Mario, and Luigi headed up the steps to speak to Peach.

Peach: “Mario! Luigi! I’m glad you could make it.”

Luigi: “Well, I wouldn’t miss this party for the world.”

Rather ironic, Mario thought, since Luigi was thinking on not going to the party.

Peach: “Good thing you came. This party would be nothing if you haven’t come.”

Toadsworth: “Yes, yes, quite right. Now then, should we get this party on the road, princess?”

Peach: “Right, Toadsworth.”

Peach stepped forward to get the guests’ attention.

Peach: “Everyone, welcome to the party!”

Everyone turned their attention to Peach.

Peach: “Now then, allow me to tell you why we’re here. A long time ago, the Mushroom Kingdom has been living in fear, thanks to one of our neighborhoods, the Dark Land, ruled by Bowser. Even in the present, the world had faced difficult times, thanks to Bowser and his Koopa Troop, Cackletta and Fawful, Grodus and the X-naut army, Count Bleck, the Shroobs, and even the Infinity Empire. But the Mushroom Kingdom, along with the rest of the world, has always kept peace, thanks to our two protectors; Mario and Luigi.”

Everyone cheered upon hearing the names. Mario and Luigi felt quite honored hearing their names being called out.

Peach: “This party is dedicated to our two heroes, for always restoring peace to the world countless times.”

Everyone continued cheering.

Peach: “Now, without further ado, let the party be-”

Before Peach could finish, a small explosion erupted from the middle of the crowd. The guests suffered very little harm, but they were shocked when they saw a strange and very ominous portal in the middle of the hall. Even Mario and Luigi were shocked, and they knew something bad was going to happen. That’s because strange portals appearing out of nowhere was a first in the world. What was happening here? Who or what made the portal appeared? Mario is about to find out… the hard way.

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