Thursday, October 4, 2012

Prologue part 2

Well, here's the second part of the Prologue, and with that, the first boss in the game (though it's not winnable). Stats will appear below the story. For now, here's the story:

Prologue: The Strange Visitor (part 2)

When we last left off, Mario and Luigi were attending Princess Peach’s party. However, during the party, a strange portal appeared out of nowhere, startling the guests.

Luigi: “What is that!?”

Mario wondered that as well. Just then a strange creature leaped out of the portal and landed on the ground. The portal soon disappeared. Everyone looked at the strange creature with fear in their faces. The creature was a light-green, quadruped creature with many green buds sticking out of its neck, a big leaf sticking out of its head, and big bluish-green eyes, with the right eye having a scar slashing through it. It spoke in a very calm and serious tone.

???: “Where am I?”

Toadsworth stood forward, still paralyzed with fear.

Toadsworth: “Um… Mu… Mu… Mushroo… room Cas… Castle…”

???: “Mushroom Castle? Seems likely with a hall full of mushroom-headed people.”

Mario, however, leaped from the top of the stairs and next to the creature, ready to battle.

???: “I’m guessing you wish to get in my way, right?”

Luigi, after seeing Mario, leaped toward his brother’s side, looking braver than ever.

Luigi: “If you think you can come here, ruin the party, and attempt to steal the princess, then you got another thing coming!”

???: “You obviously don’t get it, do you? I didn’t come here to steal any princesses. However, if it’s a fight you want, then it’s a fight you’ll get.”

Luigi stepped forward, but is stopped my Mario. Mario told Luigi that he wishes to face this strange creature alone.

Luigi: “Are you sure, bro?”

Mario nodded.

Luigi: “Alright, if you say so.”

Luigi stepped back, leaving Mario to face this creature alone.

???: “You’re either brave or foolish to face me alone. When I’m done with you, you’ll realize what a grave mistake you’ve made.”

Mario and the strange creature prepared for battle. Just then, Toadsworth, having gotten some bravery, went up to Mario.

Toadsworth: “Master Mario, when was the last time you’ve battled? Do you need a reminder on how to battle?”

Mario nodded no, because he’s well informed in battling.

Toadsworth: “Alright then, Master Mario. You are the Master.”

Toadsworth then walked away. Mario started by using his Jump attack. It did 1 HP of damage, but Mario succeeded in pulling off an action command, doing another 1 HP of damage on the creature.

???: “Not bad. Now try this one for size.”

The creature walked forward and immediately pulled off a headbutt. Mario guarded successfully, taking no damage in the process.

???: “What?”

Mario walked forward and used his Hammer on the creature. He does 2 HP of damage, thanks to a successful action command.

???: “You’re strong, I’ll give you that. But this battle has just started.”

The creature used another headbutt, but this time Mario failed to guard correctly. It did 1 HP of damage to Mario. This creature is definitely upping its game. Mario used his Jump again, performing another successful action command, doing a total of 2 HP of damage on the creature.

???: “Enough playing around. It’s time to show you what I’m really made of.”

The creature began to absorb energy into the leaf on its head. Whatever it’s doing, it’s definitely not good. Mario uses his Hammer on the creature, doing 2 HP of damage with another successful action command, but it wasn’t enough to defeat it.

???: “Now then, TAKE THIS!”

The creature released the absorbed energy and, soon after, a gigantic energy beam appeared from above and crashed down on Mario. He couldn’t guard against it, so he took 10 HP of damage from the attack. Mario couldn’t handle it anymore and dropped down to the floor, unconscious. Everyone screamed and yelled as they watched the hero of the Mushroom Kingdom dropped down.

Peach: “MARIO!”

Luigi: “BRO!”

Mario is showing no signs of getting up.

???: “You see, it was foolish to face me alone.”

And with that, the creature disappeared, leaving Mario unconscious as the screen fades black.

After two weeks, Mario finally wakes up, only to see that he’s in a different room. Mario wondered where he is. Just then, a female Toad wearing a nurse uniform walked in.

Female Toad: “I see that you’re up, Mario. That’s good to know.”

Mario asked the female Toad where they were.

Female Toad: “You’re in Toad Town Hospital. Princess Peach and Luigi took you here after you received a huge beating from that strange creature. Everyone was worried sick.”

Mario asked where Peach and Luigi went.

Female Toad: “Princess Peach and Luigi are in one of our conference rooms with other leaders discussing about the recent attack. Follow me.”

The female Toad headed out of the room. Mario slowly got up and followed. The female Toad led Mario to a very busy-sounding room. The female Toad opened the door to reveal Princess Peach and Luigi sitting down, along with a rather large loyalty Beanish named Queen Bean of the Beanbean Kingdom, a human wearing very fancy loyalty clothing that could only be Kaiser of the Majestic Empire, and another human wearing a similar dress to Princess Peach, only orange, that is Princess Daisy of Sarasaland. Sitting at the back was the ever mysterious Dr. Toadley, the manager of the Toad Town Hospital and fortune teller.

Female Toad: “Excuse me for interrupting, but Mario is awake and wishes to see you.”

Peach & Daisy: “Mario!”

Luigi: “Bro!”

Everyone was happy that Mario was ok. Mario asked what was going on here.

Peach: “Well, we’re holding a meeting regarding the recent attack on Mushroom Castle.”

Queen Bean does her usual jump and crash down, looking as happy as always.

Queen Bean: “Well, Mario is ok. Looks like everything is peaceful again.”

Kaiser, however, still looks stern.

Kaiser: “Yes, Mario is ok. But that creature is still loose in the world. Who knows what that creature will do?”

Daisy, also looked serious, an emotion that Daisy rarely gives out.

Daisy: “He’s right. And since Mario couldn’t defeat him, then who will?”

Everyone was talking and talking about how the creature is going to be dealt with, if they can. Soon, however, Dr. Toadley silenced everyone and spoke to Mario.

Dr. Toadley: “Mario, if it isn’t too much of a problem, I would like you to pick up some medications for me.”

Everyone gave Dr. Toadley a rather weird look.

Peach: “Dr. Toadley, this is no time for talking about medications here!”

Kaiser: “The world’s facing a huge threat here!”

Daisy: “And you have the nerve to send Mario to pick up some medications!?”

Dr. Toadley, however, still looked calm.

Dr. Toadley: “Will I tell Mario information about the creature? Yes. Will I tell him now? Not until I get some medications.”

Everyone gave Dr. Toadley an ever weirder look. Luigi, however, sighed.

Luigi: “You’re just the same as always, Dr. Toadley.”

Mario, wanting Dr. Toadley to tell him the information, reluctantly agreed to go.

Peach: “Are you sure, Mario?”

Queen Bean gave another jump and crash down.

Queen Bean: “Relax, Princess Peach. Mario will surely handle it, and then he’ll have the information.”

Kaiser: “If you say so…”

Dr. Toadley: “Where will you find the medications? In Shy Guy Town, just west from here.”

Mario immediately hurried off to get the medications for Dr. Toadley, so he’ll tell him the information regarding the creature. However, what happens next will be more than what Mario expected.

By the way, Kaiser doesn't belong to me. He belong to DeviantART user 'TheSpiderManager', who is also working on a Paper Mario story. If you want, you can check it out on DeviantART.

So, here are the stats of the boss:


HP: Unknown
Attack: 1
Defense: 0

Moves: Headbutt (1), SolarBeam (10, requires charging)

Yes, the first boss is a Chikorita, aka a Pokemon. Reason for this will be revealed.

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