Monday, October 8, 2012

Prologue (part 4)

Well, here's the final part of the Prologue. It is here that we meet with the first of the 2 main villains, who is very familar to the Marioverse, as well as Mario's first objective. So, enjoy.

Prologue: The Strange Visitor (part 4)

Mario gotten the medications that Dr. Toadley ordered and is tagged along with Shycan. Now the two traveled to Toad Town to receive the information regarding the strange creature from Dr. Toadley. But along the way, they bumped into a group of Goombas working for Bowser. Knowing that something is going on in Toad Town, Mario and Shycan rushed through more Goombas and arrived at Toad Town. Something was happening at Toad Town. And happening it is.

Princess Peach, Princess Daisy, Queen Bean, and Kaiser were outside Toad Town Hospital. In front of them was a gigantic monstrous Koopa with a spiky shell, spiked arm bands and collar, horns, claws, and monstrous red hair, riding a large hovercraft with a clown face. This Koopa was none other than Bowser, leader of the Koopa Troop and ruler of Dark Land.

Bowser: “Ba ha ha ha ha! Hello there everybody! It’s your all-time favorite villain; King Bowser!”

Everyone looked annoyed at the sight of Bowser.

Peach: “Bowser, this isn’t the time for you to come ruin everything!”

Bowser: “Please… There’s always a time for me to ruin everything.”

Daisy: “No there’s not. And this is the WORST time for you to come here!”

Bowser simply laughed.

Bowser: “Aw yes, that little creature that knocked the Mushrooms out of Mario. If only I was there.”

Kaiser: “What do you know about this creature? Was it sent here by you?”

Bowser: “How should I know!? All I know is that creature did me a HUGE favor! So now that Mario’s not here…”

Bowser pressed a button on the Koopa Clown Car and then a giant claw appeared from the back. It quickly grabbed Princess Peach straight off the ground. Peach struggled to get out.

Peach: “Let me go, Bowser!”

Bowser: “Ba ha ha ha! You know I can’t do that.”

Just then Luigi came out of the Toad Town Hospital.

Luigi: “You heard her Bowser! LET HER GO!”

Bowser: “Why don’t you make me, greenie?”

Luigi immediately leaped toward Bowser, but was pushed back by a magic blast. Kamek, a high-ranked Magikoopa skilled in magic, appeared from the sky on his broomstick and landed on the ground.

Kamek: “You would know better than to cross Lord Bowser, now TAKE THIS!”

Kamek launched a magic blast from his wand toward Luigi, but Mario came from nowhere and smashed the magic blast with his hammer. Bowser was not pleased by what he’s seeing.

Bowser: “MARIO!? You’re supposed to be knocked out!”

Shycan appeared next to Mario, ready for battle.

Shycan: “If you think you can kidnap the princess again, then think again!”

Bowser: “I never thought that THIS would happen! Kamek! Get rid of them!”

Kamek: “As you wish, Lord Bowser.”

Kamek stepped forward, ready for battle. Mario and Shycan did the same. As always, Shycan scanned Kamek.

Shycan: “Scan complete. That's Kamek, one of Bowser's advisors. He also seems to be Bowser's caretaker when Bowser was young. Interesting. Max HP is 14, Attack is 2, and Defense is 0. He can shoot a magic blast at us, but that's about it. He's not that tough, which is odd since he's supposed to be tougher than this.”

Mario wondered that as well, but wasted no time using his Jump attack on Kamek, dealing a perfect 2 HP of damage. Shycan did the same thing with his Bounce, dealing 2 HP of damage.

Kamek: “You’ll pay for that!”

Kamek launched a magic blast at Mario. He couldn’t guard in time, so he took 2 HP of damage.

Shycan: “Are you ok, Mario?”

Mario nodded yes as he land another 2 HP of damage with his Hammer. Shycan used his Bounce, dealing another 2 HP of damage.

Kamek: “This battle is far from over!”

Kamek launched another magic blast at Mario. This time, he guarded correctly, only taking 1 HP of damage. Mario and Shycan did the same attacks as before, doing 4 HP of damage total. Kamek was in danger.

Kamek: “No, I can’t give up!”

Kamek launched one last magic blast at Mario, who, once again, guarded correctly, taking only 1 HP of damage. Mario finished off Kamek with a perfect Jump, doing 2 HP of damage and defeating him.

Shycan: “We did it, Mario. We won!”

Kamek lay on the floor, defeated, but smiling.

Kamek: “You think you’ve won? Think again. Look around.

Shycan: “What are you talking about?”

Everyone looked around, but saw that something was missing. Bowser and Peach was nowhere to be found.

Shycan: “Bowser has disappeared!”

Kamek: “While you all were focusing on me, Bowser took the princess far away. They’re long gone now.”

Shycan: “This was all a diversion!”

Kamek got onto his broom and began hovering away.

Kamek: “Mario, hear this. There’s no way you can stop Lord Bowser now. So give up!”

And with that, Kamek flew away. Mario was filled with anger. Everyone else was strict with fear and frustration.

Kaiser: “First the Mushroom Castle attack and now THIS!?”

Daisy: “What are we going to do now?”

Just then, Dr. Toadley appeared from the Toad Town Hospital.

Dr. Toadley: “Hello Mario. Did you get… Oh my. Did something happen?”

Queen Bean stood up, not looking her usual self.

Queen Bean: “In case you didn’t know, Princess Peach was kidnapped by Bowser again.”

Dr. Toadley: “I see. Did my crystal ball foretell this? Yes it did. Did I knew it would happen? Yes I did.”

Kaiser was not too pleased hearing this. He was rather angry.

Kaiser: “You KNEW this would happen!? If you would have told me earlier that this would happen, I would have brought some of my soldiers!”

Dr. Toadley: “Was it all part of the prediction regarding the creature? Yes. Which reminds me… Mario, the medications, please.”

Mario handed him the medications.

Dr. Toadley: And I see that you brought the green Shy Guy too.”

Shycan: “What are you talking about?”

Dr. Toadley: “You see, one day I received a vision regarding the creature. The vision also shows Princess Peach getting kidnapped, along with Mario and a green Shy Guy heading to a mystical ruin to collect an ancient relic.”

Daisy: “What relic are you talking about?”

Dr. Toadley: “Did it told me what the relic was called? No it didn’t. But the ruins in the vision must refer to the Clockwork Ruins, beyond the east side of Toad Town.”

Kaiser: “What does all of this mean, exactly? Why does Mario need to collect this strange relic?”

Dr. Toadley: “Did the vision told me why Mario needs to collect this relic? Yes. If he doesn’t, then all of Time will be destroyed.”

Luigi: “Destroyed!?”

Dr. Toadley: “Will it result in the end of the world? Yes it will. That’s why it’s important for Mario to collect the relic.”

Everyone stood where they are, paralyzed with fear. Everyone, except Mario, who agrees to retrieve the relic.

Dr. Toadley: “Did I knew you would agree? Yes.”

Shycan stood up next to Mario.

Shycan: “I’m going too.”

Seeing this, everyone began calming down.

Luigi: “Even if we can’t go, we’ll help out as well.”

Kaiser: “We’ll gather some information regarding this relic and the supposedly end of the world.”

Daisy: “But we do need to check back on our own kingdoms, so we might not be around much.”

Queen Bean did her usual jump and crash, looking happy again.

Queen Bean: “Whatever the case may be, we wish you luck.”

Mario thanked everyone for their co-operation, and then headed off to heal before starting his journey.

Shycan: “Well, looks like we got a new adventure, Mario. Just so you’ll know, I’ll help out anyway I can.”

So now Mario’s off on a new adventure. His first destination is the Clockwork Ruins beyond Toad Town. Mario and Shycan will probably run into difficult times on the road ahead, but they know they will pull through. But many questions still stand: Who was the mysterious creature and where is it now? What ancient relic could Mario need to retrieve? Will he be able to rescue Princess Peach again? The answers just might lie at the Clockwork Ruins. Is Mario ready for this?

Mario: “Let’s-a go!”

(end of Prologue)

Yup. Bowser is the first of the main villains, who is going to cause trouble for Mario and his friends, especially during the second half of this game. But for now, here are the stats of the second boss in the game, Kamek.


HP: 14
Attack: 2
Defense: 0
Moves: Magic Blast (2)

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