Friday, October 12, 2012

Chapter 1 (part 2)

Here's the second part of Chapter 1 of Paper Mario Darkness in Time. I got nothing else to say, so, for now, enjoy.

Chapter 1: The Clockwork Ruins of Grass Land (part 2)

After getting the information from Buzzer, the principal of the Shell Village School of Archeology, Mario and Shycan left Shell Village via the Ruined Road in search of the Clockwork Ruins. Mario plowed through many Goombas and Koopa Troopas, along with Fuzzies and Rexes here. At last, Mario sees a large ruined building out on the horizon. Mario and Shycan rushed closer to the building and saw a group of Koopas and Buzzy Beetles. These people must be on the field trip that Buzzer told them about. Mario and Shycan went to the class to speak to the teacher there, named Ms. Kopa.

Shycan: “Excuse me, but are you the teacher here?”

Ms. Kopa: “Yes, I am. I’m Ms. Kopa, a teacher at the Shell Village School of Archeology. What are your names?”

Mario told the teacher their names.

Ms. Kopa: “Mario? You mean Mario as in the hero of the Mushroom Kingdom?”

Mario nodded yes.

???: “Did someone says Mario’s here?”

Just then a purple shelled Buzzy Beetle walked to Ms. Kopa. This Buzzy Beetle wore a cape-like dress on her shell and has brown hair tied in 2 purple bows.

Ms. Kopa: “Oh, hello there, Shelby. Yes, Mario is here.”

Shelby looked excited to see Mario, but also looked rather nervous meeting Mario for the first time.

Shelby: “Um… hi, Mario. I’m Shelby, a student here… I’m a big fan of you… Um…”

Mario told Shelby to stay calm.

Shelby: “Um… yes, of course Mario.”

Shycan was confused at how Shelby reacted.

Shycan: “What’s with her?”

Ms. Kopa: “You see, Shelby is a big fan of many famous archeologists and explorers, such as Mario. But she never thought that she would end up meeting Mario personally.”

Shycan: “I see. Makes sense, I guess.”

Shelby: “So, um… what brings you here, Mario?”

Mario explains to Ms. Kopa and Shelby that he needs to find the Clockwork Ruins to find a mysterious relic inside.

Ms. Kopa: “Well you came to the right place. This is the Clockwork Ruins. However, it’s impossible to go inside.”

Shycan: “How come?”

Shelby stepped forward.

Shelby: “The door to the ruins is locked up. Legends says that only a very special key can open the door, but this key is nowhere to be found.”

Ms. Kopa: “Very good, Shelby.”

Shelby smiled, feeling proud of herself. Shycan, however, was annoyed by this fact.

Shycan: “Well, we need to get inside sooner or later. Otherwise, this world might end.”

Ms. Kopa and Shelby were stunned by that comment.

Ms. Kopa: “Wh... What do you mean by that?”

Before Mario could explain it to her, one of the gatekeepers from before rushed to Ms, Kopa. The gatekeeper looks like he’s in a rush.

Gatekeeper: “Ms. Kopa, keep your class where they are!”

Ms. Kopa: “What’s going on?”

Gatekeeper: “Shell Village is under ATTACK! An army of Goombas came and attacked us all! We were heavily outnumbered! Keep your class here, where it’s safe!”

Mario, however, stepped up.

Shycan: “I think I know what you’re think, Mario.”

Ms. Kopa: “What are you thinking?”

Mario told Ms. Kopa that he’ll head to Shell Village and get rid of the Goomba army.

Ms. Kopa: “That’s a relief. With you here, those Goombas won’t stand a chance.”

Shycan: “Let’s go, Mario.”

But before Mario could go, Shelby stopped him.

Shelby: “Um, excuse me, but if you’re going to take care of the Goobas, then can I come help too?”

Ms. Kopa: “WHAT!? No, Shelby, it’s too dangerous for you!”

Shelby, instead of looking nervous, looked serious.

Shelby: “So what? I got to help out Shell Village. It’s my home!”

Shycan: “But are you sure?”

Shelby: “I’m sure. I’ll help out anyway I can.”

Shycan looked a little discomforted, but Mario agrees.

Shycan: “Mario? Are you sure about this?”

Mario tells Shycan that they need all the help they can get.

Shycan: “Well, when you put it this way, I guess it’s ok. Is it, Ms. Kapa?”

Ms. Kapa was unsure of herself, but reluctantly agrees.

Ms. Kapa: “Well… Alright, she can go. Just take care of her, ok?”

Mario promised Ms. Kapa.

Shelby: “Alright, Mario. Let’s go.”

Shycan: “Wow, you certainly changed, huh?”

Shelby: “Have I? I haven’t noticed.”

Shycan: “Well, be careful, Shelby. These Goombas must work for Bowser. And I’m willing to bet that this Goomander is involved as well.”

Mario, Shycan, and Shelby soon made it back to Shell Village, and it definitely looks like it was taken over. Everywhere they turn, there was Goombas terrorizing everything. Just then, 3 Spiked Goombas came out of nowhere.

Spiked Goomba #1: “Huh? Mario’s here!? This wasn’t part of the plan!”

Spiked Goomba #2: “Don’t worry, if we can take him down now, then we’ll complete our mission successfully.”

Spiked Goomba #3: “Besides, with Mario out of the way, then Lord Bowser will rule this kingdom easily.”

Spiked Goomba #1: “In that case, ATTACK!”

The 3 Spiked Goombas readied themselves for battle. Mario and Shycan did the same, but Shelby interrupted.

Shelby: “Let me handle this.”

Shycan: “Are you sure?”

Shelby: “Trust me. My Shell Toss will knock them down.”

Shycan felt unsure, but after looking at the Spiked Goombas, he agrees.

Shycan: “Alright then. It would be better this way, since I can’t attack them. I’ll stand out, Mario.”

Mario nodded to Shycan, then proceeds to use his Hammer on the first Spiked Goomba. The perfect action command scored 2 HP of damage on the Spike Goomba, KOing it in an instant.

Spiked Goomba #2: “What just happened!?”

It was Shelby’s turn next. She uses her Shell Toss attack, but unfortunately, she didn’t know how to use action commands, so she only did 1 HP of damage.

Spiked Goomba #2: “Ha! Is that the best you can do? Let me show you a real attack!”

The second Spiked Goomba used a Headbonk on Mario. Mario guarded against the attack, however, so he only took 1 HP of damage. The third Spiked Goomba attacks as well, this time attacking Shelby.

Shycan: “Shelby! Watch out!”

Shelby didn’t know what to do, but then remembered what Mario did and guarded like Mario. Shelby blocked the Spiked Goomba’s attack, but it surprising did no damage to Shelby.

Spiked Goomba #3: “WHAT!? How was that possible!?”

Shelby wondered that as well, but then Shycan remembered.

Shycan: “Buzzy Beetle’s shells protect them from damage. Of course! Shelby’s shell negated some of the damage! And with her guard, she completely negated the Spiked Goomba’s attack!”

The Spiked Goombas were shocked to hear that.

Shycan: “Listen Shelby, you may be able to block hits, but you must also score hits as well. Perform your action commands to increase the damage.”

Shelby: “Alright then…”

Mario cleared the way by KOing the second Spiked Goomba with his Hammer attack, allowing Shelby to attack the last Spiked Goomba.

Shelby: “Alright, here goes.”

Shelby uses her Shell Toss attack, but instead of launching right away, she charged up her attack. With the attack fully charged up, she launched herself to the Spiked Goomba, doing 2 HP of damage thanks to the charge and KOing it.


With that, the Spiked Goomba was defeated.

Shelby: “See? I told you I can help.”

Shycan: “You sure did, Shelby.”

Mario agrees, but added that this is no time to celebrate just yet.

Shycan: “Mario’s right. We still need to defeat the one in charge of this invasion.”

Mario, Shycan, and Shelby went on to the school, where the most terrorizing was taking place. The leader of this army must be inside the school. What Mario doesn’t know is that the leader is waiting for him to come. Waiting to defeat the Mushroom Kingdom hero once and for all.

New enemies alert:


HP: 3
Attack: 1
Defense: 0
Moves: Drain (1, recovers amount dealt)


HP: 6
Attack: 3
Defense: 0
Moves: Bite (3), Charge (1)

Note: If you jump on it, it'll shrink, decreasing its Attack to 1

Of course, we also got a lot of Goombas, but we already went over them, so refer to the previous parts for their stats. Just know that they come in very large groups (3 to 5 enemies).

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