Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Chapter 1 (part 4) + Badges

Here's the fourth part of Chapter 1 of Paper Mario Darkness in Time. Enjoy:

Chapter 1: The Clockwork Ruins of Grass Land (part 4)

When the turmoil at Shell Village finally settled down, Mario, Shycan, and Shelby rested up and restocked their items. They also decided to train Shelby on using the Power Shell attack, especially after what happened with Goomander. Shelby was getting better on using it without tiring out. Just then, a strange bird with a scarf with an orb hanging off it swooped from the sky and flew toward Mario.

Shelby: “What’s with that strange bird?”

Mario recognized the bird as Birdley, Dr. Toadley’s pet bird. Just then, Dr. Toadley’s voice can be heard from Birdley.

Dr. Toadley: “Hello? Teating, 1 2 3.”

Shycan and Shelby were surprised to hear a voice, but then Mario explains that Dr. Toadley must be using telepathy, having his voice carried over through Birdley.

Shycan: “Really? Interesting.”

Dr. Toadley: “Do I hear Mario’s and Shycan’s voices? Yes I do. So how are you doing?”

Shycan: “The Clockwork Ruins are opened up now, so we’re heading there now.”

Dr. Toadley: “Good. Was I right to send you two to the ruins? As always, yes.”

Shelby was still surprised, but it seems that the voice noticed this.

Dr. Toadley: “Oh? And who are you?”

Shelby: “I’m Shelby, a student of Shell Village School of Archeology.”

Dr. Toadley: “I see. Have you been helping Mario much? I’m sure you are.”

Mario asked what Dr. Toadley was doing here.

Dr. Toadley: “Ah yes, I came to deliver this to you.”

Birdley then hands Mario a badge that looks like a Hammer.

Dr. Toadley: “That’s a Power Smash Badge. It allows you to use the Power Smash attack.”

Shycan: “Wait, you waited THIS LONG to give us that badge when you could’ve given us that badge when we were still in TOAD TOWN!?”

Dr. Toadley: “Was it my fault that I didn’t give you the badge at Toad Town? No.”

Shycan: “Then whose fault was it?”

Dr. Toadley: “Whose fault was it? The writer’s fault for not putting a scene of me giving you the badge.”

Mario, Shycan, and Shelby were deeply confused by that phrase.

Dr. Toadley: “Ah, never mind. At the very least, you now have the Power Smash Badge. You better put it on, or you can’t use it. Remember, it cost 2 FP to use.”

And with that Birdley flew off. Mario did just that and equipped the badge so he can use it.

Shycan: “OOOOK… That was weird…”

Shelby: “Well, we got a new badge, so let’s go to the Clockwork Ruins now.”

Mario and Shycan couldn’t agree more. They made their final preparations, said their goodbyes to everyone here, then went off to the Clockwork Ruins. At the entrance to the ruins, Mario finds a strange-looking gear-shaped hole on the entrance. Mario placed the Gear Stone into the hole, and then the place started shaking.

Shelby: “What’s happening!?”

Just then, the doors to the Clockwork Ruins started opening up, revealing a way to the inside.

Shycan: “Alright, Let’s go!”

Mario, Shycan, and Shelby went through the opening to the inside. Finally they’re inside the Clockwork Ruins. But there were no time to celebrate, for a group of 3 Dull Bones, Koopa skeletons, rushed to the gang and battled them. Shycan caught sight of this battle and began scanning them.

Shycan: “Scan complete. That’s a Dull Bone, a skeleton of a dead Koopa brought back to life. Max HP is 1, Attack is 2, and Defense is 1. They can throw their bones at you, and that’s their only attack. Defeating them, however, will not truly defeat them. They’ll reanimate themselves if there are more enemies around. Attacks that strike all enemies are a must when facing multiple Dull Bones.”

Shelby: “That’s would be my specialty.”

Shelby began to charge up a Power Shell and, after charging, rushed through the Dull Bones, doing 1 HP of damage to all of them, and defeating them.

Shelby: “I’m definitely getting the hang of this.”

Mario thanked Shelby, then headed deeper into the ruins. The ruins were complicated with its many rooms, locked doors, and traps around every corner. There were also a lot of Dull Bones, Koopa Troopas, and Rexes, ready to battle Mario. Mario soon finds himself in what looks like a deserted room with a strange statue that looks like a Wizzerd, strange mechanical/organic beings that date back to the olden ages.

Shycan: “I wonder why there’s a Wizzerd statue here.”

Then Shycan spotted a strange hole on the body. Mario and Shelby noticed this as well.

Shelby: “I’m thinking that something’s supposed to go in there and it activates something.”

Shycan: “How can you tell?”

Shelby: “An archeologist can tell what certain things are, even if they are archeologist-in-training.”

Mario decided to take Shelby’s word for it and go through another door in search of this something. After trekking through halls after halls, Mario finds himself in another deserted room, this time with a chest at the far edge.

Shelby: “That chest must contain what goes inside the statue.”

Mario opened the chest and finds a strange-looking key. This key must fit into the statue. But before Mario can even take a step, a horde of Dull Bones came from the ceiling! Not only that, but it also looks like the ceiling could collapse any minute!

Shycan: “The ceiling’s about to fall! LET’S GET OUT OF HERE!”

Mario, Shycan, and Shelby rushed past all of the Dull Bones and made it to the door. They immediately stepped through the door and closed it immediately. A large sound of rumbling can be heard from the other side.

Shycan: “That was too close… We better watch ourselves from now on.”

Mario and Shelby agreed then headed through the halls back to the room with the Wizzerd statue. Mario inserted the strange key into the statue. Afterwards, the statue began to shake around.

Shycan: “What’s happening?”

The statue began to levitate off of where it stood, with robot-like eyes appearing through the H-shaped socket and 4 floating hands appearing from behind the statue. This was no statue, this was a real Wizzerd!

Shelby: “Watch out!”

Mario took sight of the Wizzerd and began to battle. When the battle starts, Shycan did his usual thing and scans the Wizzerd.

Shycan: “Scan complete. That’s a Wizzerd Guard, a stone Wizzerd tasked with guarding the Clockwork Ruins. In case you didn’t know, Wizzerds are part mechanical, part organic beings that hold a lot of power. Max HP is 12, Attack is 2, and Defense is 1. This Wizzerd doesn’t seem to do much, but it still can use its arms and Laser Beam to attack us. Like a regular Wizzerd, this one got a trick up its sleeves, if it has any, and that’s the ability to raise its Attack by 2. Be careful with this thing, Mario.”

Mario starts things off with his Hammer. He pulled off a perfect action command, but thanks to the Wizzerd Defense, it did 1 HP of damage. Shelby uses her Shell Toss attack, also doing 1 HP of damage. The Wizzerd began to hover forward to use its arms to attack Mario. This caught Mario by surprise and couldn’t guard, so he took 2 HP of damage.

Shycan: “Mario! Use the Power Smash!”

Mario took Shycan’s word and uses his Power Smash. Using up 2 FP, Mario struck down the Wizzerd with a perfect action command, doing 3 HP of damage (it would’ve done 4, but remember the Defense point).

Shelby: “Way to go, Mario!”

Shelby then uses her Shell Toss again, doing another 1 HP of damage. The Wizzerd decided to up its game by powering up.

Shycan: “Watch out! It’s powering up!”

Mario took this time to use another perfect Power Smash, using up 2 more FP and dealing 3 HP of damage. Shelby attacks with Shell Toss, dealing 1 more HP of damage. The Wizzerd was weakening, but it didn’t stop it from attacking. It launched a powerful Laser Beam at Mario. Mario was able to guard, but thanks to the power up, he took 3 HP of damage.

Shelby: “Are you OK, Mario?”

Mario nodded. He then pulled off a regular Hammer attack, followed by Shelby’s Shell Toss, doing a total of 2 HP of damage. The Wizzerd began to malfunction, and then fell down. It didn’t move.

Shelby: “We did it, Mario!”

Shycan “Look, Mario!”

Shycan pointed to the doorway that was behind the Wizzerd.

Shycan: “Now we can continue. Let’s go!”

Mario, Shycan, and Shelby continued on through the now revealed doorway. Little did they know, their biggest challenge is waiting at the end of the ruins.

Yes, we have the introduction of badges. Technically, we were supposed to get the first badge before we begin Chapter 1, but I forgot about that. So instead, you'll get the first badge after you defeat Goomander, which is still good considering the Wizzerd Guard and its 1 Defense point. As I've told you in one of my previous posts, both Mario and his partner can equip badges. So far, they only got the Power Smash badge (only Mario can equip it), but later on we'll encounter more badges. I'll tell you now, you'll need quite a lot of good badges if you want to survive this game.

As always, we got a new enemy:

Dull Bones

HP: 1
Attack: 2
Defense: 1
Moves: Bone Throw (2), Regenerate

And also a new boss here:

Wizzerd Guard (boss)

HP: 12
Attack: 2
Defense: 1

Moves: Arm Attack (2), Laser Beam (2), Power Up (Raises Attack by 2)

Also, I'm quite a fan of Wizzerds, so expect more Wizzerds later on.

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