Monday, October 15, 2012

Chapter 1 (part 3)

Here's the third part of Chapter 1 of Paper Mario Darkness in Time. Before I get this started, however, I need to post the stats on the second partner in the game, Shelby, since I forgot to do so in the last part.

Shelby is the second party member in the game. She specialize in tossing her shell at faraway items and switches. She can also attack either one enemy or all enemies on the ground. She can even do damage twice. She can also stop a small enemy in its tracks, prevent it from moving for a few turns. Lastly, she's the only party member with a Defense point as well as the only party member immune to fire based attacks. Here are her stats:

             Normal-rank    Super-rank    Ultra-rank
HP:       10                    25                 45
Attack:  1                      2                   3

Normal-rank Moves:
Shell Toss - Spins toward a ground-based enemy (hold the circle pad to the right until the star lights up to do more damage.)
Power Shell - Plows through all ground-based enemies (hold the circle pad to the right until all 3 stars light up to do more damage.)
Super-rank Move:
Shell Block - Stops a small enemy from moving (press B when the arrow is close to the center to increase the number of turns Shell Block is in effect.)
Ultra-rank Move:
Shell-a-rang - Plows through all ground-based enemies (repeatedly push the circle pad to the light to charge up power. After the first hit, press 3 random buttons, either B, A, Y, or X, in the shown order quickly to attack again.)

Now that that's taken care of, let's start the next part. Enjoy.

Chapter 1: The Clockwork Ruins of Grass Land (part 3)

After defeating countless of Goombas invading Shell Village, Mario, Shycan, and their new teammate Shelby finally made it to the school. Inside, they find Principal Buzzer backing away from a rather tough-looking Goomba with a special, spiked helmet.

???: “Now then, I’ll ask one more time. Have all of Shell Village join the Koopa Troop, or you and all of Shell Village will suffer the punishments!”

Buzzer: “Ne… Ne… Never!”

???: “Very well then. This is going to hurt me more than it’s going to hurt you.”

Just as the strange Goomba attack, Mario intervene and struck the Goomba away from the principal. Mario asked Buzzer if he was OK.

Buzzer: “Yes, I’m OK now. But that fiend…”

The Goomba soon got up and walk toward Mario.

???: “So, the infamous Mario has come to ruin our plans. Lord Bowser told me about you. But you don’t know who you’re dealing with. I’m Goomander, the leader of the Goomba army. While Goombas aren’t the most threatening creatures in the world, I help them out with invading countless areas successfully. Exactly why Lord Bowser sent me here.”

Shycan and Shelby were both nervous by the sight of Goomander.

Shycan: “So, you’re the Goomander we had been hearing about. If you think you’re going to continue terrorizing Shell Village, then we’re here to stop you!”

Goomander simply laugh at that comment.

Goomander: “Heh, it’s not my fault that Shell Village is being terrorized. It’s their fault for not joining the Koopa Troop.”

Shelby: “If they don’t want to join this stupid Koopa Troop, then they shouldn’t be forced to!”

Goomander: “Feisty little Buzzy Beetle, are you? Well, Lord Bowser doesn’t take no for an answer. We’ve been order to terrorize them if they continue to oppose us. But if you want to stop us, you’re free to do so.”

Goomander then pulled out a whistle and blew in it. Just then, 4 Goombas came out of nowhere and stood in front of Goomander, facing Mario and his friends.

Goomander: “You just have to get past me in order to do so. So, are you ready, so-called hero?”

Goomander and the 4 Goombas readied themselves for battle. Mario and Shelby did the same while Shycan prepared to scan Goomander.

Shycan: “Scan complete. That’s Goomander, a high-rank commander in Bowser’s Koopa Troop. He holds a lot of respect from his Goomba army and, in my opinion, he’s definitely not weak compared to most Goombas. Max HP is 14, Attack is 2, and Defense is 0. That helmet may look different, but it’s just like a Spiked Goomba’s helmet, so Jump attacks cannot be used. He can call in any type of Goombas in his defense. Taking him out is our most important priority.”

Shelby: “Then let starts by taking out the Goombas.”

Mario first uses his Jump attack on the first Goomba, performing a perfect action command and dealing 2 HP of damage on the Goomba, defeating it. Shelby uses her Shell Toss, performing a perfect action command, to deal 2 HP of damage to the second Goomba, also defeating it.

Shelby: “2 Goombas down, 2 more to go!”

Goomander: “Impressive, but now it’s my turn. Goomba 3! Goomba 4! ATTACK!”

Goomba #3 & 4: “YES SIR!”

The third Goomba attacks Mario, but the attack was ineffective because Mario guarded. The fourth Goomba manage to deal 1 HP of damage to Mario since it came right after the third Goomba’s attack. Goomander then attacks Mario. Mario was able to guard, but still took 1 HP of damage.

Shelby: “Are you OK, Mario?”

Mario nodded, saying he’s OK. Mario then Jumps on the third Goomba, doing 2 HP of damage, and defeating it. Shelby did the same with the fourth Goomba with Shell Toss, doing 2 HP of damage, and defeating it. Goomander was now defenseless.

Goomander: “What!? You’ll pay for this!”

The Goomander then attacks Shelby, but thanks to her guard and her defense, the attack was useless.

Shelby: “Never underestimate me.”

Mario uses his Hammer on Goomander, dealing 2 HP of damage with a perfect action command. Shelby did the same with her Shell Toss, doing 2 HP of damage on Goomander.

Goomander: “It seems I can’t defeat you alone.”

He then pulled out the whistle and blew on it. A Helmet Goomba and a Spiked Goomba then appeared in front of Goomander.

Goomander: “See if you can get past THIS!”

Shelby: “This doesn’t look good, Mario…”

Mario uses his Hammer on the Helmet Goomba. Thanks to its Defense, it only took 1 HP of damage. Luckily, Shelby was able to finish it off with a Shell Toss, doing 1 more HP of damage.

Goomander: “Hm… interesting. Spiked Goomba, attack now.”

Spiked Goomba: “Yes sir!”

The Spiked Goomba attacked Mario, doing 1 HP of damage due to Mario’s guard. Gommander, however, uses his whistle again. Much to Mario dismay, 2 more Helmet Goombas joined in.

Goomander: “There’s no way you’ll get to me now.”

Shycan: “HEY! No fair!”

Goomander: “Who said that life was fair?”

Mario let it go as he and Shelby focused their attacks on the second Helmet Goomba, doing a total of 2 HP of damage. They were already tiring out.

Goomander: “I see you’re about ready to give up. Well, let me make your demise quick and painless. My Goomba army! ATTACK!”

The Helmet Goomba and Spiked Goomba both attacked Mario. He was too tired to guard, unfortunately, so he took a total of 3 HP of damage. This was not good. Mario HP is already down to 4. If he falls, then it’s all over. Just to make things worse, Goomander called out ANOTHER Helmet Goomba and another Spiked Goomba. Mario stands no chance now.

Shycan: “Come on, Mario! You can’t give up now!”

He’s right. Mario can’t give up now. But what can he do? He and Shelby can’t get past all of those Helmet Goombas. Just then, Shelby got an idea.

Shelby: “Mario, I got a plan. You know that I got a Shell Toss attack?”

Mario nodded.

Shelby: “Well, I can actually use it to plow through all of those Goombas. But it requires FP to use. Are you ready?”

Mario is ready. He pulls out a Mushroom and heals 5 of his HP.

Shelby: “Alright, Goomander! TAKE THIS!”

After using 2 FP, Shelby began to charge up her second attack: Power Shell. After charging up completely, she rushed through all the enemies, doing 1 HP of damage to the Helmet Goombas, 2 HP of damage to the Spiked Goombas, KOing them in the process, and 2 HP of damage to Goomander.


Shelby: “I told you, never underestimate me!”

Goomander: “GRRR! Helmet Goombas! ATTACK!”

The Helmet Goombas began to attack Mario. Mario wasn’t ready for the first attack, but he was able to guard against the second attack, only taking a total of 1 HP of damage. Goomander attacked Shelby, who was still tired from attacking Helmet Goombas and using that Power Shell. She took 1 HP of damage.

Shelby: “Mario… Let me… try again…”

Shycan: “Are you sure, Shelby? You’re already tired already.”

Shelby: “Trust me… I can handle it.”

Mario gave her the OK to go again. Using another 2 FP, Shelby began charging up another Power Shell. Once charged up again, she plowed through the enemies again, KOing the Helmet Goombas and doing 2 HP of damage to Goomander.

Goomander: “STOP DOING THAT!”

Mario then used his Hammer on Goomander, doing 2 HP of damage. Now Goomander’s down to 4 HP.

Goomander: “THAT’S IT!”

He uses his whistle and called out 2 Spiked Goombas. Shelby was getting tired and tired.

Shelby: “Mario… One… more… time…”

Shycan, however, intervened.

Shycan: “Shelby, no! You’ve already used up 2 Power Shells! You’re too tired to attack!”

Shelby: “But… While my… Power Shell… defeats the Spiked Goombas… Mario will be… able to finish… him off…”

Shycan was still not convinced.

Shycan: “You’re too tired to use that attack! Just use a regular Shell Toss and we can take him down next turn!”

Shelby: “No. We can finish… him now. Remember, I’m… fighting for… Shell Village. My home…”

Shycan: “Are you sure?”

Shelby nodded.

Shycan: “Mario, are you OK with this as well?”

Mario nodded as well. He would do the same to protect Princess Peach and the Mushroom Kingdom.

Shycan:  “Alright… If that’s the case, then finish him off.”

Shelby: “Thank you…”

Shelby, using up 2 more FP, charged up one last Power Shell and ram through Spiked Goombas, defeating them, and the Goomander, doing 2 HP of damage.

Goomander: “No! NO!”

Shelby: “Mario… Finish… him…off…”

Mario did what Shelby told him to do. He uses his Hammer on Goomander, reducing his HP to 0.


And with that, Goomander was finally defeated. Seeing Goomander defeated, all of the Goombas retreated. Shell Village was safe. But the battle came at a cost. Shelby used up most of her energy in that battle.

Shelby: “Thank… you… Mario…”

After that, she collapsed.

???: “SHELBY!”

That voice came from Ms. Kopa as she and her class entered the school. She was really worried seeing Shelby on the ground. Shycan came and apologized to Ms. Kapa.

Shycan: “I’m sorry, Ms. Kopa. I tried to talk her out of it, but she insisted that she uses those Power Shells. I’m so sorry.”

Mario was also feeling sorry for what happened.

Buzzer: “I supposed there was no other choice.”

Ms. Kapa: “Principal?”

Buzzer: “There was no way that Mario would’ve won if it wasn’t for Shelby. We would have been demolished if it wasn’t for Shelby.”

Ms. Kapa was still worried, but calmed down a little.

Ms. Kapa: “I… think you’re right Principal Buzzer.”

Mario and Shycan began to calm down as well.

Buzzer: “Now, Mario. About the Clockwork Ruins, there’s something that you should know.”

Buzzer then took out a strange gear-shaped stone. Ms. Kapa was deeply surprised by the sight of the stone.

Ms. Kapa: “Principal Buzzer! Is that…?”

Buzzer: “This is the key to the Clockwork Ruins. I found it near this village, but I alone know about the legends of the Clockwork Ruins. If anyone not worthy enough takes the treasure, then disaster will strike.”

Shycan: “Treasure? That must be the relic Dr. Toadley told us about!”

Ms. Kapa: “You kept this away from us for this long?”

Buzzer: “I did this to protect the ruins, Ms. Kapa, but please accept my apology.”

Buzzer then handed Mario the stone.

Buzzer: “This Gear Stone will allow you to enter the Clockwork Ruins. I believe you are worthy of entering it.”

Shycan: “Really? We can enter?”

Buzzer: “Correct, but not now. Let’s wait until Shelby wakes up. You’ll need her help when traveling through the ruins. For now, you may rest up at our inn.”

Mario and Shycan thanked Principal Buzzer for giving them the Gear Stone. Mario and Shycan, followed by Ms. Kapa carrying Shelby, headed to the inn to rest up.

Shycan: “Finally, we can enter. After Shelby wakes up, we’re heading straight there.”

Finally indeed. Mario was finally going to get that relic from the Clockwork Ruins. He was finally going to be one step closer to saving Princess Peach and the world. But new dangers await Mario inside the ruins. But with Shelby by their sides, they’re ready for them.

No new enemies, but we do got a new boss!

Goomander (boss)

HP: 14
Attack: 2
Defense: 0
Moves: Headbonk (2), Reinforcement (summons 2 random Goombas, Spiked Goombas, Paragoombas, or Helmet Goombas)

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