Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Notice + Chapter 1 (part 1)

Ok, before we read the first part of Chapter 1 of Paper Mario Darkness in Time, just know that I'm NOT going to update this thing EVERY SINGLE DAY! So if you think this blog is stupid because I don't update every day, just be patient. Also, I would like for you to comment on my posts. This is so I'll know what you think about my stuff.

Now then, here's Chapter 1 of this story. Enjoy.

Chapter 1: The Clockwork Ruins of Grass Land (part 1)

When we last left off, Bowser came by Toad Town and kidnapped Princess Peach (again…), so Mario and Shycan, heeding the advice from Dr. Toadley, decided to head off to the Clockwork Ruins to collect a mysterious relic that might help Mario save Princess Peach and all of time.

Shycan: “So, Mario, I believe the quickest route to the Clockwork Ruins would be through the Koopa Plains. There’s a village of Koopas and Buzzy Beetles here known as Shell Village.”

Mario agrees to go through the Koopa Plains.

Shycan: “However, there are some rogue Koopas that work for Bowser loitering around the Plains. We should be careful.”

Just then, 2 red Koopa Troopas came out of nowhere and attacked Mario.

Koopa Troopa #1: “Here we go everyone!”

Koopa Troopa #2: “Take this, Mario!”

The second Koopa Troopa used a Shell Toss attack, performing a first strike. Mario was not prepared for this, so he took 1 HP of damage. There also seem to be a strange Goomba here.

Shycan: “Whoa! Didn’t saw that coming. Let me scan these enemies.”

Shycan activated his scanner and computer and began scanning the enemies.

Shycan: “Scan complete. That’s a Koopa Troopa, a royal follower of Bowser. You’ll see these things practically everywhere thanks to Bowser. Max HP is 4, Attack is 1, and Defense is 1. They got a hard shell, meaning it can take a few hits to defeat it. But jumping on them will flip them over, reducing their Defense to 0.”

Shycan then did the same thing to the strange Goomba.

Shycan: “Hmmm… interesting. That's a Helmet Goomba. A Goomba wearing a sturdy helmet, as you see. Max HP is 2, Attack is 1, and Defense is 1. That helmet is really hard and sturdy, so not much of your attacks will go through it. A rather annoying Goomba compared to most Goombas. But using a very strong attack will knock them out easily.”

Unfortunately, Mario doesn’t have any strong attacks other than his Hammer, which will only do 1 HP of damage to the Helmet Goomba. So, instead, he uses his Jump on the second Koopa Troopa. The first jump didn’t do any damage, but it did knocked it off its feet. Also, since Mario did the action command correctly, he can jump on the Koopa again, doing 1 HP of damage.

Koopa Troopa #2: “Hey! No fair!”

Shycan performed his Bounce on the second Koopa, doing 2 more HP of damage on it.

Koopa Troopa #1: “You’ll pay for that! Take this!”

The first Koopa Troopa used a Shell Toss on Mario. Luckily, Mario was prepared this time, not taking any damage thanks to his guard. The second Koopa Troopa tried to get up, but couldn’t.

Helmet Goomba: “Don’t worry, I’ll handle this.”

The Helmet Goomba used a Headbonk attack, but targeting Shycan this time. Shycan didn’t saw that coming and failed to guard, receiving 1 HP of damage.

Shycan: “OUCH! I’m definitely feeling THAT tomorrow!”

Mario took charge and finished off the second Koopa Troopa with another Jump, doing 2 HP of damage and defeating it. Shycan used the same tactic Mario did and knocked the first Koopa Troopa off its feet, doing 1 HP of damage thanks to a perfect Bounce.

Koopa Troopa #1: “OUCH! First my friend’s knocked out, and now I can’t MOVE!?”

Helmet Goomba: “That’s it! Take THIS!”

The Helmet Goomba performed another Headbonk attack on Shycan, who was prepared this time and guarded, negating all damage. Mario and Shycan focused their attacks on the upside down Koopa, dealing a total of 4 HP of damage, knocking it out. The Helmet Goomba uses another Headbonk, this time on Mario. Mario guarded just in time, negating the damage.

Shycan: “Remember, Mario, that helmet makes it resistant to most of our attacks. I believe your hammer would be a good choice to use on that Goomba.”

Mario heeded Shycan’s advice and used his Hammer on the Helmet Goomba. He performed a perfect action command, but with the Helmet Goomba’s Defense point, it only did 1 HP of damage. Shycan, who can’t really do much to the Helmet Goomba, defended himself.

Helmet Goomba: “My helmet’s knocking out your game, isn’t it?”

The Helmet Goomba used another Headbonk on Mario. As always, his attack was negated by guarding. That Helmet Goomba’s was right about his helmet, but luckily, it only got 1 HP left, so Mario used one last perfect Hammer attack to finish it off.

Helmet Goomba: “WHAT!? BUT HOW!? Urggg… You may have defeated me, but you’ll soon be under the feet of our Goomander!”

And with those last words, the Helmet Goomba was defeated.

Shycan: “What did that Goomba mean by ‘Goomander’?”

Mario wondered that as well. One thing was known, there’s an enemy somewhere in the Koopa Plains, waiting for the time to attack.

Shycan: “We better keep our guard up, Mario.”

So Mario and Shycan continued their journey to Shell Village, taking out any Koopas and Goombas in their way. Soon enough, they’ve arrived at Shell Village. The green Koopa guarding the gate greeted Mario and Shycan.

Green Koopa: “Welcome to Shell Village, home of the Koopas and Buzzy Beetles. Also the home of our famous Shell Village School of Archeology.”

Shycan: “School of Archeology?”

Green Koopa: “That’s correct. It’s here that Koopas and Buzzy Beetles learn how to be a proper archeologist before setting out for their lives as archeologists.”

Shycan: “I see. But we can’t stay here for long. We’re looking for the Clockwork Ruins.”

Green Koopa: “Clockwork Ruins? Are you interested as well? Well, a class from the school just went on a field trip to the Clockwork Ruins.”

Mario asked the Koopa which was they should go.

Green Koopa: “You’re asking the wrong Koopa. You could try asking the principal of the school. He’s the one who plans the field trips.”

Shycan: “So where is the school?”

Green Koopa: “It’s just over there. You can’t miss it.”

The Koopa pointed to a rather large building just away from the gate. Mario thanks the Koopa for showing him where to go and headed off to the school with Shycan. The school was very large, but inside, the building seems larger. Mario and Shycan looked around the building and found what looks like the principal office. Inside the office sat an old, black shelled Buzzy Beetle.

Black Buzzy Beetle: “Hello there, I’m Principal Buzzer. I’m the principal in charge of this school. How may I help you?”

Mario tells the principal his name and that they’re looking for the Clockwork Ruins.

Buzzer: “Mario, huh? One of our students here was talking about you. I believe her name was Shelby. She’s a big fan of famous archeologists and explorers like you, Mario. That’s one reason why she enrolled into this school, to learn to be an archeologist. She, along with her class, is on a field trip to the Clockwork Ruins.”

Shycan: “Where is the Clockwork Ruins?”

Buzzer: “Oh right, your question. It’s just beyond the gate next to this school. I’ll alert one of our gatekeepers there to let you through.”

Shycan: “Thanks. Well, Mario, we better go now.”

Mario thanked Buzzer for telling them where to find the Clockwork Ruins and headed out of the room. Outside the school, Mario and Shycan met with the gatekeepers.

Gatekeeper #1: “We’ve just got word from Principal Buzzer to let you through.”

Gatekeeper #2: “Be careful, there are all sorts of monsters out on the Ruined Path.”

The two gatekeepers opened the gate to the Ruined Path. Mario and Shycan proceed to the path to the Clockwork Ruins, ready for anything...

…or so they thought. Hidden in one of the bushes was a Goomba.

Goomba: “So, Mario’s here, huh? This could be a problem for us.”

The Goomba pulled out a walkie talkie out and spoke into it.

Goomba: “Goomander? We got a problem. Mario’s here. He had just left, but he may be back. We have to strike now if we are to succeed on this mission.”

As always, we got some new enemies. Get used to this because there will possibly be new enemies in every part, even if the enemies didn't appeared in the part.

Koopa Troopa

HP: 4
Attack: 1
Defense: 1
Moves: Shell Toss (1)

Koopa Paratroopa

HP: 4
Attack: 1
Defense: 1
Moves: Dive Bomb (1)

Helmet Goomba

HP: 2
Attack: 1
Defense: 1
Moves: Headbonk (1)

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