Monday, October 29, 2012

Chapter 1 Interlude

With Chapter 1 completed, we move on to the first Interlude in the game. These Interludes are nothing too special, at least not yet. So, enjoy.

Chapter 1 Interlude

When we last left off, Mario and his friends defeated Father Clockwork and obtained their first Time Gear, along with a power that allows Mario to safely take the Time Gears. Now, we’re going for a change in scenery. The sky in this area is dark and cloudy, as if the clouds are coming from some volcanoes. The canyons are also dark and gloomy as they stick out a sea of lava. This place certainly has an evil aura around it. Everyone, welcome to Dark Land, home of Bowser’s Castle. Bowser’s castle is a gigantic, dark castle that certainly reeks of evil around every corner.

Deep inside the castle was Bowser’s throne room where Bowser sat, waiting for news. Just then, Kamek appeared from the doors on the other side of the throne room.

Kamek: “Lord Bowser, I’ve come with news about Goomander.”

Bowser looked impatient.

Bowser: “Well, out with it! How’s Goomander doing on his mission?”

Kamek: “Well, it’s nothing but bad news. You see, Goomander failed his mission…”

Bowser immediately looked angry.

Bowser: “WHAT!? Goomander failed!? But how!?”

Kamek: “He and his Goomba army were defeated by Mario.”

Bowser: “Hmph… Figures that Mario would ruin everything.”

Kamek: “But Lord Bowser, I also bring good news.”

After hearing that Bowser quickly became interested.

Bowser: “Good news? What’s the good news?”

Kamek: “Our desert patrols has finally found the location of the lost Pyramid, it’s located in Desert Hills.”

Bowser, upon hearing that, leaped for joy.

Bowser: “They found it!? YES! Now we can steal the treasure there! Rumors have it that the treasure is a powerful relic, said to be sealed because of its unlimited power. I’m getting that treasure so I can easily take over the WORLD!”

Kamek: “Yes, Lord Bowser. I’ll be heading there to retrieve the treasure for you.”

???: “Not so fast, Kamek.”

The voice came from the door Kamek came from. There was a very old Magikoopa in front of the door that wore a purple Magikoopa robe and a purple hat.

Bowser: “Kammy Koopa? What do you want?”

Kammy: “I’ve just overheard that Kamek was going to Desert Hills to retrieve the treasure for you, am I right?”

Bowser: “What do you mean?”

Kammy: “Well, I believe that I would be the best candidate for the job.”

Kamek: “YOU? Retrieve the treasure for Lord Bowser? In case you haven’t noticed, I’m retrieving the treasure!”

Kammy: “And what makes you think that you’ll succeed? Mario might be there and beat you up like last time.”

Kamek: “The only reason I lost to Mario was that I was providing a distraction for Lord Bowser! I can handle Mario just fine!”

Kammy: “If you can handle Mario just fine, then how come he’s still here when you had plenty of opportunities of getting rid of him when he was just a baby?”

Kamek: “HEY! I did not count on the Yoshis helping him!”

Kammy: “The Yoshis were just simple creatures, and yet you STILL lost to them.”

Bowser had enough of the arguing.


Kamek & Kammy: “But…”

Bowser: “ENOUGH! Kammy, you’re heading to Desert Hills NOW!”

Kammy: “A wise decision, Lord Bowser.”

Kamek: “But Lord Bowser…”


Kamek and Kammy immediately bolted through the door, hoping to not get scorched by Bowser. In another part of the castle, Princess Peach was trapped in her jail cell, bored and worried.

Peach: “Oh, Mario…”

Just then Peach began to hear voices from beyond the room.

??? #1: “Yea, I’ve heard that they finally found the Pyramid.”

Peach tried to get a good look at who was talking. She caught sight of 2 Koopatrols, Koopas that wore spiky armor. Koopatrols are the elites of the Koopa Troop.

Koopatrol #2: “They did?”

Koopatrol #1: “Yea. Turns out, it’s located in Desert Hills. The catch is the entrance is sealed shut. You need a special key to get in and out of the Pyramid.”

Just then, another Koopatrol appeared.

Koopatrol #3: “Hey! This is a restricted section! Please leave immediately!”

Koopatrol #2: “How come? This is only Princess Peach’s cell.”

Koopatrol #3: “That’s the point! We can’t have the princess overhear conversations! The moment she hears them, she’ll send them straight to Mario! Now leave immediately!”

Koopatrol #1: “Oh well, we’ll just continue talking somewhere else.”

The third Koopatrol had the right idea, but he was already too late. Peach already has the information. Now she just needs a way to contact Mario. Just then, a strange bird appeared. Princess Peach remembered the bird as Birdley, Dr. Toadley’s pet bird. But what was Birdley doing here? Then Peach had an idea.

Peach: “Listen, can you deliver messages?”

Birdley nodded yes.

Peach: “I need you to deliver this message to Mario. You see…”

And Peach began telling Birdley what she overheard. Meanwhile, back at Shell Village, Mario just got done telling the residents about what happened. Shelby was also requesting the she goes with Mario on this quest.

Ms. Kopa: “But Shelby, are you sure?”

Shelby: “I’m sure. Someone has to help Mario collect those Time Gears. Might as well be me.”

Ms. Kopa: “Well, be careful. You will look after Shelby, will you?”

Shycan: “Don’t worry, Ms. Kopa. She’s safe with us.”

Buzzer: “Do come back and visit sometime, Mario. We would appreciate your company.”

Mario nodded as he headed on back to Toad Town with Shycan and Shelby. Once back at Toad Town, Mario and his friends headed straight to the Toad Town Hospital and into Dr. Toadley’s office.

Shelby: “So Dr. Toadley lives here? Quite a weird place for him to be.”

Shycan: “Well, he is quite weird.”

At Dr. Toadley’s office, which looked more like a fortune teller’s room, Dr. Toadley was sitting behind his desk talking to Queen Bean.

Dr. Toadley: “Hello there Mario and Shycan. And for Shelby, I’m Dr. Toadley, head of the Toad Town Hospital.”

Queen Bean did her jump and crash as usual.

Queen Bean: “Well, hello there. I’m Queen Bean, ruler of the Beanbean Kingdom. And who are you?”

Shelby: “I’m Shelby, student at the Shell Village School of Archeology. Pleased to meet you.”

Mario asked Queen Bean where’s Daisy and Kaiser.

Queen Bean: “Well, they went to their kingdoms to settle things down. The news about the attack on Mushroom Castle was quite unexpected, especially with you being unable to handle the creature.”

Shelby: “Wait, what do you mean by that?”

Mario and Shycan explained to Shelby about the attack on Mushroom Castle.

Shelby: “Really!?”

Shycan: “I’m afraid so. So how does the search for this creature?”

Dr. Toadley: “Were we successful in finding the creature? No we’re not…”

Shycan: “I see… Well, at least there’s some good news; we got the relic you told us to get.”

Dr. Toadley: “Really? Well then, may I take a look?”

Mario showed Dr. Toadley the Time Gear. Dr. Toadley and Queen Bean were gazing at the Time Gear with delight. Mario also told Dr. Toadley about what Father Clockwork said to him.

Dr. Toadley: “I see. So, Father Clockwork told you to find the other 6 Time Gears.”

Shycan: “That’s right. We were hoping that you can help us find the Time Gears.”

Dr. Toadley looked disappointed.

Dr. Toadley: “Will I be able to help you? I’m afraid not. However, I’m expected Birdley to come back by now.”

Shycan: What do you mean?”

Just then, Birdley came into the room.

Dr. Toadley: “I see that you are back. Do you have anything?”

Birdley nodded and activated the orb hanging off of its scarf. Just then, Princess Peach’s voice came out of it.

Peach: “Mario, if you can hear me, then listen well.”

Everyone but Dr. Toadley was shocked.

Shycan: “Princess Peach!?”

Peach: “I’ve overheard some guards talking about a pyramid located in Desert Hills. I believe that they’re heading there. Knowing them, it can’t be good. Please be careful, Mario.”

The voice soon died out.

Shelby: “What was that about?”

Dr. Toadley: “You see, after Birdley came back from delivering you the message, I’ve sent him to find Princess Peach. Soon enough, he came back with a message from Peach.”

Shycan: “Why couldn’t you just have Birdley tell us where Princess Peach is at!?”

Dr. Toadley: “are you ready to face Bowser yet? No you’re not. You’ll need the power of the Time Gears before you can face Bowser.”

Shycan: “How come?”

Dr. Toadley: “I’ve seen it in my vision. Now, regarding the Pyramid of Desert Hills, legends spoke that an ancient and powerful treasure is supposedly located deep inside it.”

Shycan: “Wait, that sounds like a Time Gear!”

Dr. Toadley: “Is it a Time Gear? I don’t know, but it’s possible. Could Bowser be after the treasure either way? Yes he is.”

Shelby: “Which is why we need to head there as well.”

Dr. Toadley: “I recommend that you head for the Oasis Camp before looking for the Pyramid. The Desert Hills is known for the Lost Desert located in that region. South of Toad Town, there’s a train that’ll take you to the entrance to Desert Hills.”

Shycan: “Then let’s go!”

Queen Bean: “You be careful, Mario.”

Mario nodded as he and his friends take off for the train. At the Toad Town train station, Mario met with the conductor and told him his destination.

Conductor: “Desert Hills, huh? Well then climb aboard!”

Mario and his friends climbed aboard the train as it begins to start.

Conductor: “ALL ABOARD!”

The train began to move with Mario and his friends inside.


No new enemies here, but we got some new features unlocked. However, I'm going to save that for the next post. So for now, see you later.

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