Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Apology + Chapter 1 (part 5)

OK, first off, I'm sorry that there haven't been a new post lately. It's just I was at fall break and I couldn't modify this blog at home. I could only do it at school. Yea, that stinks, I know.

Anyway, here's part 5 of Chapter 1 of Paper Mario Darkness in Time. Enjoy.

Chapter 1: The Clockwork Ruins of Grass Land (part 5)

After making it through the all the tricks and traps of the Clockwork Ruins, Mario and his friends made it to a big door, much bigger than all the other doors here. Mario is already having a hunch that beyond this door is the end of the Clockwork Ruins.

Shelby: “Finally. I never thought that this place would be long…”

Mario opened the door and went through along with Shelby and Shycan. At first, it seems to be just another dark and deserted room, but then…

???: “Welcome, Mario. I’ve been waiting for your arrival.”

Mario and his friends looked around for where that voice came from.

Shycan: “Who are you, and how do you know Mario? Show yourself!”

???: “With pleasure.”

Just then, the room became a lot brighter. Then Mario saw it, a being that looks like a blue stopwatch with arms and legs. This being was holding a scepter with a weird gear-shaped design on the tip. The being also looked mechanical with how the eyes and mouth looked.

???: “My name is Father Clockwork, Guardian of the Clockwork Ruins.”

Both Shycan and Shelby backed away from Father Clockwork. He definitely means business.

Father Clockwork: “For as long as time existed, I’ve been here at these ruins, otherwise known as Clockwork Castle, guarding an ancient and powerful object that could either protect us or destroy us, depending on who holds it.”

Shycan: “An ancient and powerful object? That must be the relic we’re looking for.”

Father Clockwork: “I see that you’re looking for the object. However, only those worthy can hold their power.”

Shelby stepped forward, annoyed.

Shelby: “Do you even know who you’re talking to?”

Father Clockwork simply laughed.

Father Clockwork: “I know who I’m talking to. Mario, hero of the Mushroom Kingdom and one of the 4 heroes of light. I know all about you. But even you must go through my challenge.”

Mario asked what the challenge was. Father Clockwork looked amused and readied himself, as if in battle.

Father Clockwork: “The challenge is that you must defeat me in battle! So, are you ready?”

Mario replied that he’s ready for battle and readied himself. Shelby did the same while Shycan begins to scan him.

Shycan: “Scan complete. That's Father Clockwork. He's a part mechanical, part organic, ancient being, similar to the Wizzerds. He's also the guardian of the Clockwork Ruins. Max HP is 25, Attack is 3, and Defense is 0. That wand he got allows him to shoot a beam at us, heal his HP, perform magic, etc., making him really tough. Definitely watch out for his Lightning Strike attack, because it hurts. He says he's a guardian of an ancient and powerful object. That must be what we're looking for, so we better not give up!"

Mario couldn’t agree more. He starts off with his Hammer, doing 2 HP of damage to Father Clockwork. Shelby did her Shell Toss attack, doing an additional 2 HP of damage.

Father Clockwork: “Hm… Not bad, but try this!”

Father Clockwork fired off a Laser Beam attack from his scepter, similar to the one the Wizzerd Guard used, as it shot toward Mario. Mario guarded just in time and only took 2 HP of damage.

Shycan: “You’re doing good! Keep it up!”

Mario decided to use his Power Smash attack, using up 2 FP, but also dealing 4 HP of damage to Father Clockwork.

Father Clockwork: “Oof! You got a lot more power than I thought.”

Shelby uses her Shell Toss again, doing the same 2 HP of damage. Father Clockwork reacted by firing 4 Laser Beams from his scepter, each having an Attack power of 1. One of them shot toward Shelby, but it did no damage. However, the beams went so fast that Mario couldn’t guard against the other 3 beams, so he took a total of 3 HP of damage.

Shelby: “That was a cheap shot!”

Father Clockwork simply ignored her. Mario uses his regular Hammer while Shelby uses her Shell Toss. Father Clockwork took a total of 4 HP of damage from those attacks.

Father Clockwork: “I see that you 2 are a force to be reckoned with. I think it’s time to heal off the damage.”

He then waves his scepter around, creating a bunch of lights. When the lights disappeared, nothing seems to have changed, until Shycan scans him again.

Shycan: “Let’s see… No! He healed himself by 6 HP!”

Mario and Shelby were shocked by this news.

Shelby: “Hey! No fair! You’re not supposed to heal like that!”

Father Clockwork: “It’s all part of my challenge. In case you haven’t noticed, I won’t be holding anything back.”

Mario, furious by the trick Father Clockwork used, uses his Power Smash on him, using up 2 FP and doing 4 HP of damage. Shelby followed up with a Shell Toss attack, doing an additional 2 HP of damage.

Father Clockwork: “Now’s the time I show you my TRUE POWER!”

Father Clockwork held his scepter up high as strange clock-shaped lights began to appear. Afterwards, Mario and Shelby suddenly stopped moving.

Shycan: “Mario? Shelby? Are you 2 OK?”

Mario and Shelby didn’t respond.

Shycan: “Father Clockwork, what did you do to them!?”

Father Clockwork: “I simply froze them in time for 2 turns. Now they can’t do anything!”

Shycan: “NO!”

Since Mario’s and Shelby’s turns were skipped due to being frozen in time, Father Clockwork took the time to heal 6 HP again. Mario’s and Shelby’s turns were skipped again.

Father Clockwork: “Let’s see if you can stop THIS!”

Father Clockwork held his scepter up high again, but this time it’s charging up energy. When it’s all charged up, Father Clockwork lowered it down fast and, soon after, gigantic bolts of lightning came down from above and zapped Mario and Shelby. They both couldn’t guard against it due to being frozen in time, so Mario took 5 HP of damage while Shelby took 4 HP of damage. Mario’s HP was down to 5 while Shelby’s was down to 6. This wasn’t good.

Shycan: “MARIO! SHELBY!”

After the attack, Mario and Shelby started to move again, but they were still weakened.

Shelby: “Urgg… This is not good, Mario. We got to do something, quick!”

Mario tells Shelby that he’ll use his Power Smash again while she heals him.

Shelby: “Got it.”

Mario used his Power Smash on Father Clockwork, using up 2 FP and doing 4 HP of damage. Shelby got out a Mushroom and used it on Mario, recovering 5 HP. Father Clockwork prepared to freeze time again.


Just as the attack’s about to hit, Mario and Shelby guarded against it, negating the attack completely.

Father Clockwork: “What!? But how!?”

Shelby: “Never ever underestimate Mario.”

Mario shows this by using Power Smash again, doing 4 HP of damage at the coat of 2 FP. Shelby followed up with a Shell Toss, doing 2 HP of damage.

Father Clockwork used his Laser Beam attack on Shelby. She didn’t saw that coming and took 2 HP of damage. She’s in danger!

Shycan: “Shelby! Switch with me! Now!”

Shelby: “I can handle it, Shycan. Isn’t that right, Mario?”

Mario still has faith in Shelby, but Shycan isn’t convinced.

Shycan: “Don’t do it! If you’re hit by that Lightning Strike again, you’re a goner!”

Mario tells Shycan that she can handle it.

Shycan: “Huh? Are you sure?”

Mario nodded and added that he shouldn’t underestimate her.

Shycan: “I see… Well… alright then. Just be careful, Shelby…”

Mario used his Power Smash again, using the last of his FP, doing 4 HP of damage on Father Clockwork. Shelby, though still weaken, uses her Shell Toss, dealing 2 more HP of damage. Father Clockwork’s down to 1 HP!

Father Clockwork: “We’ll see about that!”

Father Clockwork held his scepter high again as he heal 6 HP again.

Shelby: “Urgg… So close, too…”

Without any FP, Mario can’t use Power Smash anymore. Mario has to resort to his basic Hammer attack, dealing 2 HP of damage to Father Clockwork. Shelby followed up with a Shell Toss attack, doing an additional 2 HP of damage.

Father Clockwork: “Time to FINISH YOU!”

Father Clockwork charges up energy again. He’s about to use the Lightning Strike again!


Father Clockwork launched the attack. But, surprising, Mario and Shelby guarded against the attack, reducing the damage to 4 for Mario and 3 for Shelby. Shelby survived by 1 HP!

Father Clockwork: “No! NO! NO!!!”

Shelby: “Time to finish him off, Mario!”

Mario couldn’t agree more. Mario and Shelby unleashed their Hammer and Shell Toss attacks at Father Clockwork. He couldn’t handle it as he takes a total of 4 HP of damage. Father Clockwork was defeated!

Father Clockwork: “But… how? How could I… lose?”

Shelby: “We told you many times. Never underestimate us.”

Mario and Shelby stood in victory over Father Clockwork. Shycan was also cheering. Father Clockwork slowly got up.

Father Clockwork: “I see… You all are powerful beings. You definitely passed my challenge.”

Mario, Shycan, and Shelby celebrated the victory after hearing that.

Father Clockwork: “Now then, follow me.”

Fahter Clockwork walked toward an empty wall. After raising up his scepter, Father Clockwork opened up a hole on the wall. It seems to lead somewhere. Father Clockwork walked down the newly opened passageway while Mario and his friends followed behind.

Now for the stats of the first chapter boss in the gamee: Father Clockwork.

Father Clockwork

HP: 25
Attack: 3
Defense: 0

Moves: Laser Beam (3), Multi Laser Beam (1 per beam), Heal (recovers 6 HP), Time Stop (Immobilize), Lightning Strike (5)

Next time, the end of Chapter 1...

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