Thursday, November 8, 2012

Chapter 2 part 3 + Item Bags

I'm here with a new part of Paper Mario Darkness in Time. Before I get to the new part, let me fill you in on something. You remember in the last part that Murry joined the team? Well, because of that, you get some new items, including a new Item Bags. As I told you before, Item Bags will increase your item storage space by 10 spaces per Item Bags. There are multiple Item Bags in the world, but you get the first Item Bag when Murry joined the team. However, this is the only Item Bag you get during the main story. All the other Item Bags are optional, but are recommended to have due to some of the later enemies.

Now that I got that taken care of, enjoy the new part.

Chapter 2: Across the Vast Desert Hills (part 3)

Leaving Oasis Camp, Mario and his friends, including Murry, set off to find the Bandit Hideout. At least that was the plan, until Murry stopped them all.

Murry: “Hold it! Hold it! There’s something I forgot to tell you!”

Shycan looked annoyed.

Shycan: “Well, what did you wanted to tell us?”

Murry: “Well, you see, this part of Desert Hills is known as the Lost Desert. It’s called that because its vastness and maze-like area can cause people to get lost.”

Shelby: “That doesn’t sound good at all…”

Murry: “Yea… There’s also all sort of desert creatures lurking everywhere here.”

Shycan: “All sorts of desert creatures, huh?”

Murry: “But there’s a plus side. There’s also many valuable stuff all over the desert.”

Mario says to press on.

Murry: “Figures you would say that.”

Mario and his friends continued to press forward through the Lost Desert. Along the way, they find 4 Pokeys. Shycan begin to scan these Pokeys.

Shycan: “Scan complete. That’s a Pokey, a strange cactus-like creature that roams deserts. Max HP is 4, Attack is 2, and Defense is 0. They can smack into you, but their main attack is tossing their body parts at you, either once per turn, or multiples. When it runs out of body parts, however, they can’t toss anymore. Try not to jump on it since it’s spiky.”

Murry: “Let me help on this!”

Mario let Murry join in. First off, Mario starts with a Hammer attack on the first Pokey, doing 2 HP of damage.

Murry: “Now you’ll see what I can do.”

Murry uses his Rock Throw attack, performing a perfect action command and doing 2 HP of damage on the first Pokey, defeating it. The second and third Pokey went up to smack into Mario. Mario manages to guard against both hits, only taking a total of 2 HP of damage. The fourth Pokey, instead, toss one of its body parts to Murry. Murry didn’t saw that coming, so he failed to guard, taking 2 HP of damage.

Murry: “What’s the big idea!?”

Mario uses his Hammer on the second Pokey, doing 2 HP of damage. Murry uses his Rock Throw again, doing another 2 HP of damage on the second Pokey, defeating it. The 2 remaining Pokeys hurl their body parts, one at Mario, who took 1 HP of damage due to guarding, and Murry, who took 2 HP of damage since he failed to guard again.

Murry: “Stop that!”

Mario decided to end it soon, so he uses his Power Smash, using up 2 FP and dealing 4 HP of damage to the third Pokey, instantly defeating it. Murry uses another Rock Throw, doing 2 HP of damage on the last Pokey. The last Pokey went up and smack Mario, doing 1 HP of damage since Mario guarded. Mario uses one last Hammer attack on the last Pokey, doing 2 HP of damage to it and defeating it.

Murry: “That’s more like it. Now let’s continue on.”

During their search in the desert, Mario and his friends find a strange patch of sand. Murry stood closer to get a good look at it.

Murry: “Hm… Yup, that’s a dig spot.”

Shelby: “A dig spot?”

Murry: “It’s a place where you usually find items underneath the ground. Allow me to dig them out.”

Mario gave Murry the OK, then he started digging through the dig spot. When he appeared, he brough back a badge that looked like a hammer.

Murry: “Talk about lucky find. This’s a Quake Hammer badge. Equip one of these things and you’ll be able to shake the area with just a whack of a hammer.

Mario equipped the Quake Hammer badge that Murry found. Then, all of a sudden, 3 Clefts and an Angry came out of nowhere and attacked Mario.

Murry: “3 Clefts, huh? Sounds like a good way to try out that Quake Hammer.”

Shycan, however, was scanning the Angry Sun.

Shycan: “Not if he can’t hit this thing. That's an Angry Sun, a floating ball of flame. Must've been a long time since you've fought these, Mario. Max HP is 7, Attack is 2, and Defense is 0. These Angry Suns likes to ram into you. They can also make Fire Snakes that you'll have to deal with. Taking out the Angry Suns first would be a good idea, but you’re going to Jump to reach it.”

Murry: “I know, I KNOW! I was just referring about the Clefts!”

Mario, ignoring the argument, uses 3 FP to use his new Quake Hammer. Just as expected, the 3 Clefts got flipped over, taking 2 HP of damage, and getting defeated.

Murry: “See? I told you.”

Murry uses a Rock Throw on the Angry Sun, doing 2 HP of damage. The Angry Sun whizzed a little before making a fiery snake-like creature pop out of itself.

Murry: “Mind explaining what THAT is?”

Shycan activated his scanner again to scan the new enemies.

Shycan: “That's a Fire Snake, a group of fireballs that hop around like a hopping snake. Max HP is 3, Attack is 3, and Defense is 0. They're made of fire, so jumping on them is not a good idea. Because they're made of fire, many of their attacks have a chance of burning you unless you Guard against them, so watch out."

Murry: “That’s good to know…”

Mario uses a Hammer attack on the Fire Snake, doing 2 HP of damage on it. Murry finishes it of by doing 2 more HP of damage with a Rock Throw, defeating it.

Shelby: “One Fire Snake down, one Angry Sun to go!”

It wasn’t going to be that easy, however, since the Angry spawned another Fire Snake.

Murry: “Oh, COME ON!”

Shycan: “Like I said, taking out the Angry Sun first would be a good idea.”

Mario heeded Shycan’s words and used a Jump attack on the Angry Sun doing 2 HP of damage. Murry uses another Rock Throw on the Angry Sun, doing 2 more HP of damage. The Fire Snake bounce on Mario, who guarded. But due to the Fire Snake’s high Attack, Mario takes 2 HP of damage. The Angry Sun ram into Mario, who guarded against that as well, only taking 1 HP of damage.

Murry: “Come ON! Let’s just end this already!”

Mario uses a Jump attack on the Angry Sun, doing 2 HP of damage. Murry uses another Rock Throw on the Angry Sun, doing 2 HP of damage and defeating it.

Murry: “Finally!”

The Fire Snake Bounced on Mario again, doing 2 HP of damage thanks to the guard. Mario uses his Power Smash on the Fire Snake, doing 4 HP of damage and KOing it.

Shycan: “Now we can continue.”

Murry: “Finally. Blasted Angry Sun…”

After a while of exploring the Lost Desert, Murry started complaining again.

Murry: “I knew this was coming. We’re COMPLETELY lost!”

Shycan: “Could you please calm down, Murry?”

Murry: “Calm down!? Why should I calm down when my game’s about to end!? And it’s Murry MOLE! When will you get it right!?”

Shycan’s getting more and more annoyed. Soon, Mario finds a strange rock just out of place.

Shelby: “Huh? What’s a strange rock doing here?”

Murry: “I dunno, maybe it’s because this is a DESERT!”

Shycan: “I’m with Shelby on this. Mario, see if you can give it a push. We’ll help.”

Mario, Shycan, Shelby, and later Murry grouped together to push the strange rock. Underneath it was a strange door. Mario opened the door and proceeds inside, along with the others. What will they find there? We’ll soon find out.

Once again, new enemies. We already covered 2 of the Lost Desert enemies before (Cleft and Bandit), so here are the new enemies:


HP: 4
Attack: 2
Defense: 0
Moves: Smack (2), Body Lob, (2), Multi Body Lob (2 per hit)

Angry Sun

HP: 7
Attack: 2
Defense: 0
Moves: Ram (2), Spawn (summons a Fire Snake)

Fire Snake

HP: 3
Attack: 3
Defense: 0
Moves: Bounce (3, Burn)

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