Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Chapter 2 part 2 + New Stuff

I'm here, once again, to deliver to you another part of Paper Mario Darkness in Time. I'm not going to waste any more time here, so enjoy.

Chapter 2: Across the Vast Desert Hills

After arriving at Oasis Camp and agreeing to handle the Bandit outbreak, Mario and his friends headed farther into the camp to find out where the shouting came from. They soon come across an outdoor market being overrun by a group of Bandits.


Shycan: “That shouting came from over there.

Shycan pointed to a stand at the far edge of the market. Mario rushed there to find a Monty Mole wearing goggles and a backpack.

Monty Mole: “Blast those Bandits. Will this day never end!?”

Shycan: “Um… excuse me, but was it you who were shouting?”

The Monty Mole looked annoyed.

Monty Mole: “Was I shouting? OF COURSE I WAS SHOUTING!”

Shycan: “Whoa, sorry there. Didn’t mean to make you mad.”

Monty Mole: “Trust me, if you’re trying to make me mad, you’re already too late. Blasted Bandits.”

Mario asked the Monty Mole who he is.

Monty Mole: “I’m a traveling merchant. I travel the world finding rare valuables and selling them.”

Shelby: “Traveling merchant? Then you must be Murry!”

The Monty Mole looked even more annoyed.

Monty Mole: “EXCUSE ME! I prefer to be called by my FULL name: Murry Mole!”

Shelby: “Sorry… Didn’t mean to annoy you…”

Murry: “Now, why are you here?”

Mario asked Murry about the Bandit outbreak.

Murry: “Aw yes, those blasted Bandits. Sit down, and I’ll tell you a tale regarding those Bandits.”

Mario and his friends took some nearby chairs and sat down.

Murry: “Now, as I told you before, I’m a traveling merchant, searching for rare valuables to sell them off. Recently, I’ve made a temporary shop here to sell my latest goods, and it has been going good. In fact, I’ve sold a LOT of my goods here. But then those blasted Bandits came by.”

Murry sounded angrier the more he talks.

Murry: “Once those Bandits came around, I’ve been a constant target of those blasted thieves due to my rare goods. As such, my goods kept getting stolen and stolen without end.”

Shelby: “Wow. That does sound bad.”

Murry: “It IS bad. If this keeps up, I’ll be completely out of business!”

Mario stood up and tells Murry that he’s going to help out with the Bandit outbreak.

Murry: “You’ll going to help out? That does seem unlikely, but if you can handle it, then I can go back to business.”

Just then, 4 Bandits came by and raided Murry’s stand, taking a lot of stuff.


Bandit #1: “I don’t think so.”

Bandit #2: “You got a lot of stuff just screaming to be taken.”

Mario and Shelby stood forward, ready to face the Bandits.

Bandit #3: “Does this guy think he can take us on?”

Bandit #4: “You 3 stay here and take care of this fool, and maybe steal some of his cash while you’re at it. I’ll head back to the hideout with the goods.”

And the fourth Bandit took the stuff and bolted.


Before Murry can chase the fourth Bandit, the other 3 Bandits stopped him.

Bandit #1: “Can’t let you do that.”

Bandit #2: “Now just hold still while we beat you down and take your money.”

Murry stood up, ready to battle, but Shelby interrupted.

Shelby: “Hold it, we’ll handle this.”

Murry: “… Fine…”

Murry stepped back, allowing Mario and Shelby to handle the Bandits. Shycan activated his scanner and began scanning the Bandits.

Shycan: “Scan complete. That's a Bandit, a masked thief who goes around stealing everything they can. Most Bandits work for themselves; however this one seems to be loyal to the Bandit Boss.”

Murry: “Bandit Boss? He must be the one sending these blasted Bandits to steal my stuff!”

Shycan: “Max HP is 5, Attack is 1, and Defense is 0. When they charge into you, they'll steal up to 10 coins from you if you don't guard. They'll run away 1 turn later, but if you attack them before that happens, you can get your coins back. Attacks that hit all enemies are a must."

Shelby: “Then I’ll hit them with my Power Shell!”

Mario moved Shelby to the front so she can use her Power Shell, using up 2 FP and dealing 2 HP of damage to all Bandits.

Bandit #1, 2, & 3: “OUCH!”

Mario then uses his Hammer on the first Bandit, doing 2 HP of damage. The 3 Bandits rushed into Shelby one after another. She was able to guard against the first 2 Bandits, but failed to guard against the third Bandit. Even though she didn’t take any damage, she still lost 7 coins to the third Bandit.

Shelby: “HEY! Give back those coins!”

Murry: “Now you know how I feel.”

Shelby uses her Shell Toss on the first Bandit, since she can’t attack the third Bandit without using up more FP. She did 2 HP of damage to the first Bandit, KOing it in the process. Mario uses his Jump on the third Bandit, doing 2 HP of damage. While it didn’t defeat it, it did cause the Bandit to drop the stolen coins, allowing Mario to retrieve them.

Bandit #3: “HEY! I stole them fair and square!”

The 2 remaining Bandits rushed into Shelby, who was able to guard against both hits. Shelby uses her Shell Toss on the second Bandit, doing 2 HP of damage on it. Mario uses his Hammer on the second Bandit as well, doing another 2 HP of damage and defeating it.

Bandit #3: “Uh-oh! Not good!”

The third Bandit tried one last time to ram into Shelby. It was proven ineffective by guarding. Shelby finished off the last Bandit with a Shell Toss, doing 2 HP of damage and defeating it.

Shelby: “We did it!”

Murry, however, was still angry.

Murry: “Why are you celebrating!? That blasted Bandit got away with MY GOODS!”

Shelby: “Oh…”

Then Murry went from being angry to a little curious.

Murry: “But then again, the way you handled those Bandits makes me think that maybe you can end this outbreak.”

Shelby: “Oh, well, thanks.”

Murry: “Now then, during that battle, after you did that weird scanning thing, I’ve thought of something. I did hear a rumor that a leader of thieves made a hideout in the desert.”

Shycan: “So, what you’re saying is that this Bandit Boss might be hiding in the desert?”

Murry: “As far as the rumor goes. You’re not thinking of going there, are you?”

Mario nodded, saying, once again, that he promised to help Oasis Camp with the Bandit outbreak.

Murry: “Alright, I get it. Just let me pack my remaining stuff before you go.”

Shelby: “You’re coming with us?”

Murry: “Of course. I still got a bone to pick on those basted Bandits.”

Shycan: “What do you think, Mario?”

Mario took a while to think, but decided on taking Murry with them.

Murry: “Never thought I would say it, but thanks.”

Shycan: “Try not to mess up too much, Murry.”

Murry became mad again.

Murry: “Did you forget already!? Call me Murry MOLE! Sheesh…”

With all that behind, Mario and his friends, including their newest member Murry, leave Oasis Camp to the desert to find the Bandit Hideout, hopefully ending the Bandit outbreak. However, something seems… off…

As you saw right here, we got a new party member for Chapter 2. Now it's explaination time!


Murry is the third party member in the game. His field ability allows him to dig in certain spots to either birng up treasures or enter underground tunnels to find and activate switches (much like the digging tunnels of Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword). In battle, he specialize in throwing rocks at any enemy or using his digging abilities to pierce the enemies' Defense, trap the enemies and lower their speed, or attack all enemies with an earthquake. Here are his stats:

             Normal-rank    Super-rank    Ultra-rank
HP:       15                    25                  45
Attack:  1                      2                    3

Normal-rank Moves:
Rock Throw - Throws a rock at any enemy (Hold the Circle Pad to the left to build up power)
Dig - Attacks the enemy from underground to pierce Defense (Repeatedly press down on the Circle Pad to build power)
Super-rank Move:
Burrow Trap - Traps an enemy to lower their speed (Press a random combination of buttons, either A, B, X, or Y, to do maximum damage)
Ultra-rank Move:
Earthquake - Damage all ground enemies (Repeatedly and alternatively press the A and B buttons to build up power)

Now to end off this post, we got one new enemy:


HP: 5
Attack: 1
Defense: 0
Moves: Thief (1, steals a random amount of coins)

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