Thursday, September 27, 2012

Information + The Intro

Might as well post some information here.

First off (for those of you who doesn't know), this story, called Paper Mario Darkness in Time, is pretty much a video game idea that I have (please don't ask me to make it into a real game). It is a fanmade story from the Paper Mario series, but it is also a crossover between the series and the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series. The story goes that Mario is once again on a journey to save the world. After an encounter with a strange creature, Bowser came by and abducted Princess Peach (again), and Mario learned that time in the Mushroom World is becoming unstable. Now Mario, working with his new friends, must travel the world and collect strange relics to use them to save the world.

There are a few new gameplay mechanics here. The Badge system, for example, had been changed. There are no longer any Partner Badges here. Instead, you equip the badges you have to either Mario OR your partner (similar to the Mario & Luigi games). Mario and his partners have shared BP that can be gained when Mario level up. This new Badge system allows the partners to equip badges like Zap Tap or Spike Shield that normally only Mario wears. Of course, your partners can't equip badges like D-Down Pound or Power Bounce, because only Mario can use those attacks.

Also, some of the enemies are rather tougher than in the first 2 Paper Mario games. A little more HP and higher Attack, making them more dangerous since they're scattered around the world. As such, Badge usage and item usage are more imporant than ever. That is why there are Item Bags scattered around the world. These Item Bags will increase your item spaces by 10, making them really useful due to how much damage the enemies can inflict now. There are 6 around the world, meaning you can potentally have up to 70 item spaces! Impressive, huh.

Anyway, now that I'm done with the information, I'll might as well leave the intro here. This is pretty much the intro cutscene that would occur if this was a real video game. Enjoy (if you can):

Today, I’ll tell you the story of a long lost structure from ancient history. This structure, known to some as the Temporal Tower, is a mysterious structure that has been around since the beginning of time. No one knows where it is or who built it, but few people believed in why it was created. Those people believed that the Temporal Tower was created for a sole purpose of regulating time and keeping time stable. Should the structure be damaged, then a portion of time will also be damage. Should the structure be destroyed, then time itself will be destroyed, resulting in the end of the world.
That’s correct.  This story is about 2 unlikely friends, one a famous hero, another a strange visitor, and their journey to save the structure.

On top of a strange tower stood a mysterious creature shrouded in darkness.
???: “So, this is the fabled Temporal Tower of legends. With its power, I’d be able to rule this world! No one will be able to stop me! No one! Not even him!”
It began to laugh viciously as the screen fades black.

If you got any questions, post them in the comments.

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