Monday, December 17, 2012

Chapter 2 Interlude

Well, after a long while, we have the Chapter 2 interlude. After this, we'll be at Chapter 3! But for now, enjoy.

Chapter 2 Interlude

In the last part, Mario and his friends collected their second Time Gear. So now, they’ll travel to Toad Town to acquire information about their next destination. In the meantime, we meet Princess Peach again, looking just as worried as ever.

Peach: “Oh, Mario… I hope you’ve received my message.”

Just then, Birdley flew through the bars, toward Peach.

Peach: “Oh, Birdley! Well, did Mario receive my message?”

Birdley nodded, implying that Mario did received the message.

Peach: “That’s good.”

Peach sat down in relief, but the moment she sat down, the seat lowered a little. Then, out of nowhere, a doorway opened up at the back of the jail cell.

Peach: “Whoa! A secret passage! Bowser probably didn’t know about this. Good thing.”

Peach went through the passageway with Birdley flying nearby. The passageway led to a complex network of narrow passageways. Peach chose a random passage and followed it.

Peach: “How large is this passage?”

Soon, Peach finds herself at a dead end with a hole. Peach peeked through the hole to find what looks like a throne room. Bowser was there sitting on his throne. In front of him was Kammy Koopa.

Bowser: “So let me get this straight: you found the Pyramid, but you couldn’t get inside because of Mario?”

Kammy: “Um… That’s correct, my lord…”

Bowser gotten mad by that statement.

Bowser: “Urggg… I knew I should’ve sent Kamek!”

Just then, a Koopatrol appeared from the entrance.

Koopatrol: “Lord Bowser, I’ve brought news.”

Bowser quickly became interested.

Bowser: “Well, spit it out!”

Koopatrol: “You see, one of our spies caught sight of Mario in the Pyramid. They couldn’t progress through without risk of revealing themselves, but that’s not what I’m talking about.”

Bowser: “Get on with it!”

Koopatrol: “According to our spies, Mario was battling a strange green creature with a weird leaf sticking out of its head.”

Bowser: “Wait, strange green creature, weird leaf, that’s the mysterious creature that KOed Mario!”

Koopatrol: “Correct, lord Bowser. Though the creature was unable to defeat Mario this time, it did put up a good fight.”

Bowser: “I see. Did they catch what the creature was called?”

Koopatrol: “According to our spies, the creature was revealed to be named Alex.”

Bowser: “Alex, huh? Awfully weird name, but I’ll go with it. With Alex in the Koopa Troop, we’d be UNSTOPPABLE!”

Koopatrol: “There’s more news, Lord Bowser. According to another group of spies positioned in Ocean Side, there’s an equally strange red creature there.”

Bowser: “Urg… red AND green? Reminds me of the accursed Mario Bros. Does the red creature have any connection with Alex?”

Koopatrol: “Unknown, Lord Bowser, but we’ll keep in touch.”

Bowser: “Good. Keep up with the investigation.”

Koopatrol: “Yes, my lord.”

And with that, the Koopatrol left.

Bowser: “Kammy Koopa, you should leave as well.”

Kammy: “Yes, Lord Bowser.”

Kammy soon left as well. Peach, who was still listening in, took a step back to speak to Birdley.

Peach: “Birdley, I need another favor to ask. I need to tell Mario about what we’ve heard.”

And Peach began telling Birdley the message. Meanwhile, back at Oasis Came, Mario, Shycan, and Shelby were saying goodbye to the residents there. Murry, however, was packing up.

Shycan: “You’re coming with us?”

Murry: “Of course. You can’t expect me to just sit around while time’s being out of whack.”

Shycan: “… Good point…”

Murry: “Besides, you might need my help from time to time.”

Mario agrees to let Murry come along.

Murry: “Good to hear you.”

With everyone prepared, Mario and his friends proceed to Toad Town to talk to Dr. Toadley. After a long trek through the Sandy Road and the not-as-long train ride, the group made it to Toad Town. They immediately headed to the Toad Town Hospital to speak with Dr. Toadley. In his office, Dr. Toadley was there speaking to Kaiser.

Dr. Toadley: “I see you are back, Mario. And with a Monty Mole, no less.”

Murry: “Call me Murry Mole. You must be Dr. Toadley, huh?”

Kaiser: “So, YOU’RE Murry. I’ve heard that you’ve once made shop at the Majestic Kingdom, but for some odd reason you left.”

Murry: “Well, I’m a WANDERING merchant. You can’t expect me to stay in one place for long. And it’s Murry MOLE! Get it right!”

Kaiser was not too thrilled by Murry’s tone, but Dr. Toadley spoke on.

Dr. Toadley: Did everything go OK on your journey? I’m sure it did.”

Mario nodded and showed him the second Time Gear.

Kaiser: “That’s a Time Gear? I’ve never seen anything quite like it!”

Shelby: “Yea, but you wouldn’t believe who we ran into in the Pyramid.”

Kaiser: “And what might that be?”

Mario told Dr. Toadley and Kaiser about how he encountered the strange creature and added that his name was Alex. Kaiser and even Dr. Toadley were surprised to hear this story.

Kaiser: “WHAT!? You encountered, battled, and DEFEATED the strange creature!?”

Dr. Toadley: “Would Mario have encountered the creature again? Yes. But still, I was surprised by what you told me.”

Shycan: “And that’s not all. Alex seems to know much about what’s happening.”

Dr. Toadley: “I see. Well, I’m expecting Birdley to come back with the princess’s message.”

Shelby: “Really?”

Just then, Birdley came flying into the office.

Dr. Toadley: “Ah, you’ve arrived. Now, tell us the new message.”

Birdley activated the orb and the sound of Princess Peach can be heard.

Peach: “Mario, can you hear me? Bowser knows you entered the Pyramid and battled a strange creature. They said the creature’s name was Alex.”

Shycan: “Alex!? So Bowser knows about our battle!?”

Peach: “They also believe that there is another strange creature similar to Alex somewhere in Ocean Side. If this Alex is as hostile as they say, then this new creature might be equally hostile. Mario, find these creatures before Bowser does: he plans to have them join the Koopa Troop!”

And with that, the voice disappeared.

Murry: “Wait, if Alex and the other creature both join the Koopa Troop…”

Kaiser: “Then Bowser would have the strength to take over the entire world easily!”

Shelby: “We can’t let that happen!”

Dr. Toadley: “Then should you travel to Ocean Side? You should. West of Toad Town is a pipe that’ll lead you to Ocean Side.”

Mario thanked Dr. Toadley and Kaiser before heading out of the hospital with his friends. They headed off to the Warp Pipe at the western edge of Toad Town. Beyond this pipe was Ocean Side… and the second mysterious creature… whatever it was.

As you can see, Alex is becoming an important character in this story. And now we got another strange character in this world! What's going on with these strange beings? Why are they even here? We'll find out soon.

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