Monday, December 17, 2012

Chapter 2 Interlude

Well, after a long while, we have the Chapter 2 interlude. After this, we'll be at Chapter 3! But for now, enjoy.

Chapter 2 Interlude

In the last part, Mario and his friends collected their second Time Gear. So now, they’ll travel to Toad Town to acquire information about their next destination. In the meantime, we meet Princess Peach again, looking just as worried as ever.

Peach: “Oh, Mario… I hope you’ve received my message.”

Just then, Birdley flew through the bars, toward Peach.

Peach: “Oh, Birdley! Well, did Mario receive my message?”

Birdley nodded, implying that Mario did received the message.

Peach: “That’s good.”

Peach sat down in relief, but the moment she sat down, the seat lowered a little. Then, out of nowhere, a doorway opened up at the back of the jail cell.

Peach: “Whoa! A secret passage! Bowser probably didn’t know about this. Good thing.”

Peach went through the passageway with Birdley flying nearby. The passageway led to a complex network of narrow passageways. Peach chose a random passage and followed it.

Peach: “How large is this passage?”

Soon, Peach finds herself at a dead end with a hole. Peach peeked through the hole to find what looks like a throne room. Bowser was there sitting on his throne. In front of him was Kammy Koopa.

Bowser: “So let me get this straight: you found the Pyramid, but you couldn’t get inside because of Mario?”

Kammy: “Um… That’s correct, my lord…”

Bowser gotten mad by that statement.

Bowser: “Urggg… I knew I should’ve sent Kamek!”

Just then, a Koopatrol appeared from the entrance.

Koopatrol: “Lord Bowser, I’ve brought news.”

Bowser quickly became interested.

Bowser: “Well, spit it out!”

Koopatrol: “You see, one of our spies caught sight of Mario in the Pyramid. They couldn’t progress through without risk of revealing themselves, but that’s not what I’m talking about.”

Bowser: “Get on with it!”

Koopatrol: “According to our spies, Mario was battling a strange green creature with a weird leaf sticking out of its head.”

Bowser: “Wait, strange green creature, weird leaf, that’s the mysterious creature that KOed Mario!”

Koopatrol: “Correct, lord Bowser. Though the creature was unable to defeat Mario this time, it did put up a good fight.”

Bowser: “I see. Did they catch what the creature was called?”

Koopatrol: “According to our spies, the creature was revealed to be named Alex.”

Bowser: “Alex, huh? Awfully weird name, but I’ll go with it. With Alex in the Koopa Troop, we’d be UNSTOPPABLE!”

Koopatrol: “There’s more news, Lord Bowser. According to another group of spies positioned in Ocean Side, there’s an equally strange red creature there.”

Bowser: “Urg… red AND green? Reminds me of the accursed Mario Bros. Does the red creature have any connection with Alex?”

Koopatrol: “Unknown, Lord Bowser, but we’ll keep in touch.”

Bowser: “Good. Keep up with the investigation.”

Koopatrol: “Yes, my lord.”

And with that, the Koopatrol left.

Bowser: “Kammy Koopa, you should leave as well.”

Kammy: “Yes, Lord Bowser.”

Kammy soon left as well. Peach, who was still listening in, took a step back to speak to Birdley.

Peach: “Birdley, I need another favor to ask. I need to tell Mario about what we’ve heard.”

And Peach began telling Birdley the message. Meanwhile, back at Oasis Came, Mario, Shycan, and Shelby were saying goodbye to the residents there. Murry, however, was packing up.

Shycan: “You’re coming with us?”

Murry: “Of course. You can’t expect me to just sit around while time’s being out of whack.”

Shycan: “… Good point…”

Murry: “Besides, you might need my help from time to time.”

Mario agrees to let Murry come along.

Murry: “Good to hear you.”

With everyone prepared, Mario and his friends proceed to Toad Town to talk to Dr. Toadley. After a long trek through the Sandy Road and the not-as-long train ride, the group made it to Toad Town. They immediately headed to the Toad Town Hospital to speak with Dr. Toadley. In his office, Dr. Toadley was there speaking to Kaiser.

Dr. Toadley: “I see you are back, Mario. And with a Monty Mole, no less.”

Murry: “Call me Murry Mole. You must be Dr. Toadley, huh?”

Kaiser: “So, YOU’RE Murry. I’ve heard that you’ve once made shop at the Majestic Kingdom, but for some odd reason you left.”

Murry: “Well, I’m a WANDERING merchant. You can’t expect me to stay in one place for long. And it’s Murry MOLE! Get it right!”

Kaiser was not too thrilled by Murry’s tone, but Dr. Toadley spoke on.

Dr. Toadley: Did everything go OK on your journey? I’m sure it did.”

Mario nodded and showed him the second Time Gear.

Kaiser: “That’s a Time Gear? I’ve never seen anything quite like it!”

Shelby: “Yea, but you wouldn’t believe who we ran into in the Pyramid.”

Kaiser: “And what might that be?”

Mario told Dr. Toadley and Kaiser about how he encountered the strange creature and added that his name was Alex. Kaiser and even Dr. Toadley were surprised to hear this story.

Kaiser: “WHAT!? You encountered, battled, and DEFEATED the strange creature!?”

Dr. Toadley: “Would Mario have encountered the creature again? Yes. But still, I was surprised by what you told me.”

Shycan: “And that’s not all. Alex seems to know much about what’s happening.”

Dr. Toadley: “I see. Well, I’m expecting Birdley to come back with the princess’s message.”

Shelby: “Really?”

Just then, Birdley came flying into the office.

Dr. Toadley: “Ah, you’ve arrived. Now, tell us the new message.”

Birdley activated the orb and the sound of Princess Peach can be heard.

Peach: “Mario, can you hear me? Bowser knows you entered the Pyramid and battled a strange creature. They said the creature’s name was Alex.”

Shycan: “Alex!? So Bowser knows about our battle!?”

Peach: “They also believe that there is another strange creature similar to Alex somewhere in Ocean Side. If this Alex is as hostile as they say, then this new creature might be equally hostile. Mario, find these creatures before Bowser does: he plans to have them join the Koopa Troop!”

And with that, the voice disappeared.

Murry: “Wait, if Alex and the other creature both join the Koopa Troop…”

Kaiser: “Then Bowser would have the strength to take over the entire world easily!”

Shelby: “We can’t let that happen!”

Dr. Toadley: “Then should you travel to Ocean Side? You should. West of Toad Town is a pipe that’ll lead you to Ocean Side.”

Mario thanked Dr. Toadley and Kaiser before heading out of the hospital with his friends. They headed off to the Warp Pipe at the western edge of Toad Town. Beyond this pipe was Ocean Side… and the second mysterious creature… whatever it was.

As you can see, Alex is becoming an important character in this story. And now we got another strange character in this world! What's going on with these strange beings? Why are they even here? We'll find out soon.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Chapter 2 Finale

Well, here's the last part of Chapter 2 (beside the interlude). I'm not wasting time right now so enjoy.

Chapter 2: Across the Vast Desert Hills (part 7)

In the last part, Mario and his friends meet and battle the mysterious creature again, now known as Alex. Mario also got the Super Hammer after winning. Now, after destroying some stone blocks now, Mario and his friends make their way to the depths of the Pyramid. They soon find themselves in a room filled with sand. There’s also seemed to be no way to advance.

Murry: “Well, this place seems suspicious.”

Shycan: “Let’s look around a little.”

Mario and his friends looked around the sand covered room. Soon, Shelby finds something strange sticking out of the ground.

Shelby: “Hey guys! Look at this!”

Mario and the others rushed to see what it was.

Murry: “Seems strange. Do you know what it is?”

Shelby: “Nope. How about you, Mario?”

Mario nodded, also unsure of what the thing is.

Shelby: “Well, do you know Shycan?”

Shycan was already scanning the weird thing, until he began stepping back.

Shycan: “Everyone! GET AWAY!”

It was too late. The weird thing immediately popped out of the sand, knocking Mario, Shelby, and Murry back. The weird thing turned out to be a large monstrous Pokey all wrapped in bandages like a mummy. It began to battle Mario and Murry.

Murry: “Shycan, WHAT IS THAT THING!?”

Shycan immediately spoke out, having already scanned it before.

Shycan: “That’s a Mummipokey, a mummified Pokey that lives in desert ruins. They’ve lived for over hundreds of years.”

Shelby: “Yikes!”

Shycan: “Max HP is 25, Attack is 3, and Defense is 0. It fights just like a regular Pokey, only stronger and with an extra body part. As long as it got all of its body parts, its Smack attack can hit both of you. It can also regrow its lost body parts, meaning it can toss an infinite number of body parts at us. It can toss them one at a time or all at once, so be careful.”

Mario starts things off with a regular Hammer attack. Thanks to the new Super Hammer, the attack is stronger, allowing Mario to do 4 HP of damage to the Mummipokey.

Murry: “Nice one, Mario. Now it’s my turn!”

Murry uses his Rock Throw, doing 3 HP of damage on the Mummipokey. The Mummipokey went up to Mario to use its Smack attack, doing 2 HP of damage on both Mario and Murry, thanks to them guarding.

Shelby: “That got to hurt…”

Mario shook it off as he prepares another Hammer attack on the Mummipokey, dealing 4 HP of damage. Murry uses his Rock Throw as well, doing 3 HP of damage on the Mummipokey.

Murry: “We got this!”

Shycan: “It’s too soon to celebrate.”

The Mummipokey toss one of its 4 body parts at Mario. Mario guarded against the attack, taking only 2 HP of damage. Mario uses his Hammer Attack again, followed by Murry’s Rock Throw, doing a total of 7 HP of damage on the Mummipokey. It now has 4 HP left!

Murry: “This is WAY too easy!”

The Mummipokey immediately toss all of its body parts at once. The first one was guarded by Mario, doing 2 HP of damage, but the second and third part was too fast for Murry and Mario, so they took 3 HP of damage each.

Murry: “Ouch! Definitely not my best performance…”

Mario, ready to finish it off, uses his Hammer attack one last time, doing 4 HP of damage on the Mummipokey. After taking the hit, the Mummipokey dove down into the sand.

Murry: “See? That was too easy.”

Shycan: “I don’t think it’s going to be THIS easy.”

Murry: “Huh?”

Shycan was right. The Mummipokey’s head immediately popped out of the sand, followed by what looks like 2 Mummipokey-like tentacles. Quicksand began to form around the head.


Shycan scanned the Mummipokey once again.

Shycan: “Seems like the Mummipokey can change form. This form uses its body parts as tentacles. Max HP is 25, Attack is 3, and Defense is 0. The tentacles’ Max HP is 6, Attack is 2, and Defense is 0. The Mummipokey itself can spit gunk at us either one at a time or three at a time. It’s surrounded by quicksand, so ground attacking it won’t be effective. Getting rid of the tentacles will get rid of the quicksand, but only for a short time.”

Shelby: “That still surprised me.”

Murry: “Tell me about it.”

Since the battle’s continuing, it’s now Murry’s turn. He uses his Rock Throw directly on the head, doing 3 HP of damage.

Murry: “I don’t need to worry about that quicksand.”

Shycan: “But Mario does. You need to help him take out the tentacles.”

Murry: “Alright, fine.”

The 2 tentacles smacked into Mario, who guarded against both hits, taking a total of 4 HP of damage. The Mummipokey spit out a gunk shot at Murry. Murry guarded against the attack, taking 2 HP of damage.

Murry: “Yuck! I’m definitely showering tomorrow.”

Mario takes out a Mushroom and heals 5 HP. Murry uses his Rock Throw on the first tentacle, doing 3 HP of damage on it. The 2 tentacles attack Mario again. Mario guarded against both hits again, only taking 4 HP of damage. The Mummipokey used its gunk shot on Murry again, doing 3 HP of damage since he failed to guard.


Shycan: “Mario! You’re down to 3 HP left! Murry’s down to 5! Use Time Heal!”

Mario pulls out the Time Gear and uses its power, healing Mario and Murry by 6 HP. Murry uses his Rock Throw on the first tentacle, doing 3 HP of damage and defeating it.

Murry: “One down!”

The second tentacle attacked Mario, but he guarded the attack, only taking 2 HP of damage. The Mummipokey prepares to spit again.

Murry: “Please don’t spit on me…”

The Mummipokey spit 3 gunk shots, one at Mario, who took 2 HP of damage due to guarding, and two at Murry, who only guarded the third one, taking a total of 5 HP.

Murry: “I REALLY wish it wouldn’t do that…”

This Mummipokey was tougher than Mario thought, but decided to go with another Hammer attack, doing 4 HP of damage on the second tentacle. Murry uses a Rock Throw on the second tentacle as well, doing 3 more HP of damage and defeating it. With both tentacles down, the quicksand surrounding the Mummipokey disappeared. The Mummipokey used another gunk shot on Mario, doing 2 HP of damage since Mario guarded.

Shycan: “The quicksand’s gone! You can attack it now!”

Mario uses his Power Smash on the Mummipokey, using 2 FP and dealing 6 HP of damage. Murry uses his Dig attack, using 3 FP and doing 4 HP of damage on the Mummipokey. The Mummipokey launched another gunk shot on Murry, doing 2 HP of damage since he guarded.

Murry: “I’m getting REALLY MAD now!”

Shelby: “You’re getting weak, you two!”

Shycan: “Shelby’s right. You got to heal!”

Mario knows, but they don’t have enough Temporal Energy to use another Time Heal. Mario will just settle for healing himself.

Murry: “Mario, use another Power Smash. I’ll heal you.”

Mario agrees on the plan as he uses another 2 FP to use Power Smash, dealing 6 HP of damage on the Mummipokey. Murry got out a Super Shroom. After defeating Alex, the group exited the Pyramid to stock up on some items, including some Super Shrooms. Murry uses the Super Shroom on Mario, healing him by 10 HP.

Murry: “Hope you’re better now.”

Time was already up as 2 more tentacles came out of the ground. The Mummipokey uses another gunk shot on Mario. Mario guarded, taking 2 HP of damage. This battle is going on for a while, but Mario soon has an idea. He tells the idea to Murry.

Murry: “Are you sure?”

Mario nodded.

Murry: “Alright then.”

Mario takes out another Super Shroom and used it on Murry, healing him by 10 HP. Murry uses a Rock Throw attack on the Mummipokey, doing 3 HP of damage.

Shycan: “Murry, what part of assisting Mario don’t you understand?”

Shelby: “Wait, Shycan. It’s heavily weakened, meaning just one Rock Throw can finish it off!”

Murry: “All part of Mario’s plan.”

The 2 tentacles attacked Mario, who guarded both hits as always, taking a total of 4 HP of damage. The Mummipokey launched 3 gunk shots, first at Mario, doing 2 HP of damage due to guarding, second to Murry, who also guarded, taking 2 HP of damage, and third to Mario, who didn’t guard successfully, taking 3 HP of damage. Mario’s down to 3 HP left, but it didn’t matter to Mario and Murry.

Murry: “All right! Let’s finish this!”

Mario switched with Murry, who uses one last Rock Throw on the Mummipokey, doing 3 HP of damage. The 2 tentacles dove into the sand after the attack. Soon after, the Mummipokey shook around wildly before exploding in purple smoke. The Mummipokey was finally defeated.

Shelby: “You did it!”

Shycan: “Way to go!”

Mario said that he couldn’t have done it without Murry.

Murry: “Hey, it was your plan, so how about we share the credit.”

Mario nodded. Soon after, on the other side of the room, a doorway appeared. Just then, the Time Gear in Mario’s hands began to glow.

Murry: “What’s with that Time Gear, Mario?”

Shycan: “Could it be? Let’s check out the doorway.”

Mario and the others entered through the doorway and find something wonderful: the second Time Gear. This one is sporting a brown color scheme.

Shelby: “The second Time Gear! Only 5 more to go!”

Shycan: “Now Mario, take the Time Gear and add its power to yours.”

Mario walked up to the Time Gear and held his hands up high. The Time slowly descended down to Mario’s hands until he grabs the Time Gear. Mario has collected his second Time Gear, allowing his Time Heal to become more powerful, and allowing Mario to use another Temporal Power: Temporal Daze, which allows Mario to confuse most enemies. With the second Time Gear in Mario’s hands, it was the “End of Chapter”.

“Mario, after clearing the Bandit outbreak, entered the Pyramid and defeated the monstrous Mummipokey. He soon finds himself with another Time Gear, meaning he only needs 5 more. However, during the trek through the Pyramid, Mario encountered the mysterious Alex once again. What could Alex want? Why does he seem interested in Mario? All Mario knows that his journey’s not over yet.”

Well, another chapter is complete as Mario brings home his second Time Gear. See you next time.

Here's the stats for the chapter boss, by the way:

Mummipokey (phase 1)

HP: 25
Attack: 3
Defense: 0
Moves: Smack (3, damages both members with 5 segments), Body Lob (3), Multi Body Lob (3 per hit, depends on number of segments), Regenerate (reform lost segments when only the head remains)

Mummipokey (phase 2)

HP: 25
Tentacle HP: 6
Attack: 3
Tentacle Attack: 2
Defense: 0
Moves: Gunk Shot (3), Multi Gunk Shot (3 per hit, 3 hits)
Tentacle Moves: Smack (2)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Chapter 2 (part 6)

Now comes the sixth part of Chapter 2 of Paper Mario Darkness in Time, and with that, the appearance of a new boss. A new special boss. You'll see what I mean when you read this. For now enjoy.

Chapter 2: Across the Vast Desert Hills (part 6)

After a long time inside the Pyramid and fighting Boos, Buzzy Beetles, and Hot Foots, Mario and his friends find themselves in a strange hall with many Hieroglyphs on the walls.

Murry: “What do they all say?”

Shycan: “Hold on, let me scan them.”

Shyca began scanning the walls. After a while, he spoke out.

Shycan: “The Hieroglyphs tells about the Time Gear!”

Shelby: “Really!?”

Shycan: “Let me read it to you: ‘Since the beginning of time, the fabled Time Gears has kept all of time stable. Each Time Gear is located in different parts of the world, keeping time in their regions stable.’”

Murry: “Whoa, talk about deep.”

Shycan: “‘However, many thieves tried to steal the Time Gears, hoping to use their power to rule the world. Their plan backfired as the region became frozen in time the moment they take just one Time Gear, freezing the thieves in time as well.’”

Shelby: “How horrifying…”

Shycan: “‘That’s why the Time Gears are protected where they are. But the guardians of time predicted that time would become unstable, even without the Time Gears being taken. So they waited for thousands of years for the hero’s arrival to collect the Time Gears and use them to save all of time.’”

???: “That’s correct.”

Everyone leaped a little by the sudden voice. Mario turned around to find something even HE didn’t want to see: a four-legged green creature with a big leaf on its head. It’s the same creature that attacked Mario at Mushroom Castle!

???: “So, Mario. We meet again.”

Mario stood where he is, but backing off a little. His friends caught sight at what Mario’s doing and wondered.

Shelby: “Um, Mario? Why are you acting this way?”

Mario told his friends that this creature was the one that attacked Mario before.

Shycan, Shelby, & Murry: “WHAT!?”

???: “That’s right. I’m the ‘creature’ that attacked Mario before. Allow me to really introduce myself. My name is Alex, and I’m a Temporal Knight.”

Murry: “Alex…? Temporal Knight…?”

Shycan: “Alex, why are you here!?”

Alex simply smiled before answering.

Alex: “The same reason why I’ve came to this world in the first place. I’m looking for the Time Gears.”

Everyone was shocked by what Alex said.

Shelby: “You’re WHAT!?”

Murry: “Are you trying to steal the Time Gears to rule the world? Because if you are, then we’ll stop you!”

Alex sighed at Murry’s remark.

Alex: “Simple minded Monty Mole. You really don’t know what’s going on. You ALL don’t know what’s going on in this world. Time is being unstable. So unstable, the Time Gears are losing control over it.”

Mario stood where he is, saying that Alex must be behind it. Alex sighed once again.

Alex: “Mario, Mario, Mario. Do you really think that I’M behind time being unstable? If you do, then you’re even more foolish than I thought. I don’t have THAT kind of power, and even if I do, I wouldn’t be using it to damage time itself. The cause lies elsewhere.”

Mario became a little confused about what Alex said.

Alex: “But enough about that. If you really want to fight, knowing about our last encounter, then I’ll fight you.”

Mario stepped forward to face Alex, but Shycan intervened.

Shycan: “Mario, wait! He’s too strong to face alone!”

Murry: “Yea! Let me help!”

Mario shouted out that he wants to face Alex alone, to prove that he can handle it.

Shycan: “I know you wish to fight Alex alone, but he’s too strong for even you. We need to work together to get through this!”

Mario took a while to think, but ultimately agrees to let Murry help.

Murry: “Thanks Mario. With the two of us battling, we CAN’T lose!”

Alex: “Decided to face me with help, huh? Good, because you’ll need it.”

Alex, Mario, and Murry held their positions, ready to fight. Shycan began scanning Alex.

Shycan: “That’s Alex, the mysterious creature that attacked you before. He says he’s a Temporal Knight. I wonder what that is. Max HP is 30, Attack is 4, and Defense is 0. Scans show that he can ram into us or launch super-fast, super-sharp leaves at us. That attack is hard to guard against, so be careful. He also got that same beam that KOed you last time. That beam requires charging, but once it’s fired, it does a LOT of damage. Guarding will have no effect on it, so that’s a problem. He seems to know a lot about time being unstable.”

Murry: “Let’s just take him down.”

Mario starts off with a Hammer attack, doing 2 HP of damage on Alex. Murry uses his Rock Throw on Alex, doing 3 HP of damage due to being powered up from the Super Block.

Alex: “Not bad, but not good enough.”

Alex walked toward Mario and rammed into him. Mario guarded against the attack, so he only took 3 HP of damage. Mario countered it with another Hammer attack, doing 2 HP of damage on Alex.

Shelby: “Yea, Mario! You got this!”

Murry: “That’s right! We can handle this!”

Murry uses his Rock Throw on Alex, doing 3 HP of damage on him. Alex stepped back, but smiled again.

Alex: “Interesting. You seem to be stronger than last time.”

Alex whipped his leaf around and 5 fast moving leaves came out of it, all heading for Mario. They were so fast that Mario couldn’t guard against them, so he took a total of 5 HP of damage.

Shycan: “Mario! Are you OK?”

Mario nodded, then uses a Jump attack on Alex, doing 2 HP of damage. Murry followed up with another Rock Throw, doing 3 more HP of damage on Alex. Alex ram into Mario again, doing 3 HP of damage since he guarded.

Murry: “We got this!”

Mario uses his Hammer on Alex, followed by Murry’s Rock Throw, doing a total of 5 HP of damage.

Alex: “Enough of this! Time to show you my power!”

Alex began absorbing energy into his leaf. Mario remembers the last time he did this. Last time he did this, he unleashed a powerful beam attack that KOed Mario. Mario told the others what Alex’s doing.

Shelby: “He’s charging his beam attack!?”

Murry: “Mario! You got to heal! You can’t survive that attack!”

Then Shycan remembered something.

Shycan: “Mario! Use the Time Gear!”

Murry and Shelby didn’t understand what Shycan meant, but Mario did. He took out the Time Gear that he got from Father Clockwork. The Time Gear soon glowed and shines its light on Mario, healing his HP by 6.

Alex: “That’s the Time Gear’s power!”

Murry uses his Rock Throw on Alex, doing 3 HP of damage. Alex, however was still focused on Mario.

Alex: “He used the Time Gear’s power to heal. But it won’t matter! TAKE THIS!”

Alex unleashed a small beam of light upward. Soon after, a gigantic beam of light crashed down on Mario, doing 10 HP of damage. Mario’s HP was down to 5! He could barely stand.

Shycan & Shelby: “MARIO!”

Mario slowly got up, saying that he’s OK.

Alex: “How did you survive my SolarBeam!?”

Mario told Alex that no matter what, he will never give up.

Shycan: “You tell him, Mario!”

Shelby: “Go Mario!”

Murry: “Let’s finish this!”

Mario uses his Power Smash on Alex, using 2 FP and dealing 4 HP of damage on Alex. Murry followed up with a Rock Throw attack, doing 3 HP of damage on Alex and defeating him. Alex could barely stand after taking so many hits.

Alex: “I… I lost…”

Shycan: “You see, as long as we don’t give up, we’ll never lose!”

Mario agrees.

Alex: “I… I see. You never gave up, even at the face of danger. You may be the one I’m looking for.”

Mario asked what he’s talking about, but Alex simply smiled.

Alex: “You’ll find out soon enough. But for now, beyond this room is an item that will help you out here. We’ll meet again. I know we will.”

And with that, Alex disappeared.

Murry: ‘Whoo, talk about a tough fellow. Glad we pulled through.”

Shycan, however, wondered.

Shycan: “Alex… He really does seem to know why time is being unstable.”

Mario wondered that as well.

Shelby: “He also said that there’s a helpful item beyond this room.”

Mario and his friends headed to the next room to find a chest. Mario opened the chest and found the Super Hammer.

Murry: “WOW! That’s a Super Hammer! With that thing, you can destroy stone blocks.”

Shelby: “You know, we’ve found some stone blocks here. Let’s check them out.”

Mario agreed and headed out of the room, along with Shelby and Murry. Shycan, however, stayed behind.

Shycan: “Alex… Did YOU leave the Super Hammer here for us?”

Shycan then headed off to join the others.

Yea, the mysterious creature is back, and he's a lot stronger than before (which is saying something considering he already KOed Mario on the last encounter). Here are his stats:


HP: 30
Attack: 4
Defense: 0
Moves: Headbutt (4), Razor Leaf (1 per hit, 5 hits), Solarbeam (10, requires charging)

There's still many things about Alex we don't know about. I can tell you one thing, this isn't the last we see of Alex, and this isn't his full strength.